Example sentences of "be get down " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We 're getting down to the real stuff — mosaics , some wall plaster , animal bones and there are signs of a hypocaust . ’
2 Trading Standards however important , and Trading Standards is very important , erm , when you 're getting down to erm , reductions in equipment and uniforms and men , then lives are at risk , it is really a matter of er , er , of , of for our fire fighters that they have the right equipment and the right uniform and when it actually comes down , you ca n't compare that to maybe reductions in Trading Standards .
3 O K , I just wanted us to , to do that erm , because erm , one of the things that I suspect when you 're getting down to doing your plan tomorrow , is that with the best will in the world , even though I say but this is for sales course , one of things you will want objectively to look at is either your revenue or your trading base or something , er , I just wanted to carry that through .
4 Ooh you 're getting down to your last tuppence .
5 I am get down I am going to miss you .
6 At last , Alida thought , at last we are getting down to business , to the signing of papers , the question of money .
7 A few people come up to C and congratulate him on the gig , but as he watches the dancefloor ( the three Clockwork Orange clones are getting down ) , he looks vaguely perplexed .
8 As the legal experts pore over the intricacies of recording unmet need , care managers are getting down to work .
9 The problem came when horse and rider could rise no higher and had to be got down .
10 the contacts are and everything and I think that 's much better if it can be got down to that eventually
11 ‘ You 'd best be getting down to those hens of the old lady 's , ’ he said to Philip .
12 It 's been a good four years for me to lay low , because they 've changed the stuff so many times and they now seem to be getting down to some conclusions about MIDI and stuff .
13 Meantime , we 'll be getting down to the fine details . ’
14 Well , I 'd better be getting down to the bus …
15 ‘ I think we ought to be getting down now , ’ he said hollowly .
16 ‘ Laz , before you get your trusty Smith and Whatever platinum plated , do n't you think we should be getting down to the business , which is your business .
17 However , it is that means that over the last few years every time we have actually debated about budget we recognised that the force had unwillingly and against the judgement of the majority of this council , not necessarily er bounded by political affiliation , we have to be getting down further and further towards the completely inaccurate expanded spending assessment that is assessed as necessary for the needs of this city by the department of the environment .
18 The policy of this council over the last couple of years has been to get down to that figure enforced upon us as gracefully as possible with the least damage to our services and the least damage to the morale of our staff and our staff are after all the most important asset that a local authority possesses and that is what we 're trying to consider .
19 ‘ Have you any notion who might have killed him , Inspector ? ’ said the Bishop , clearly feeling that , if matters were getting down to fundamentals , it was time he played a part .
20 First , EEC agriculture must be made more efficient and competitive , with the objective being to get down as near as possible to the marketplace and world prices , however they are defined .
21 Your baby is of course unique , with her own needs and character , and one of the joys of parenthood is getting down to know her .
22 This is , er , this is the same face as you , yesterday I was on about , we 've tried everything , it 's getting down to that now .
23 Yeah the the salt 's getting down to th , and it 's all running riot !
24 On her first day back at the studio , he had taken one look at her , pulled a sympathetic frown , and told her sternly , ‘ What you need , my girl , is to get down to some hard work and chase from your head whatever it is that 's bothering you . ’
25 Where I talk about sites specific is to get down to this nitty gritty about which comes first , the erm inquiry or the erm planning consent .
26 Public spending was being reined back and the Cabinet was getting down to the series of bruising public-spending battles which characterized our first few years of office .
27 Was getting down the same as getting up and could you do it in platforms and slingbacks ?
28 Was getting down the same as getting up and could you do it in platforms and slingbacks ?
29 The hum of the bowstring when it came was like the sound of a harp being tuned , and when Jehan glanced back again Alexei was getting down from his bay to recover his arrows .
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