Example sentences of "be time to " in BNC.

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1 If standards are set in concrete , there is no way of teaching children that there are times to be flexible , when special circumstances demand it .
2 This means that there will be time to fast after the death of Jesus in the sense that it will be , for a short while , a time of great sorrow .
3 THE gentlemanly art of boxing has clouted so many expressions into common usage that it might be time to ‘ throw in the towel ’ .
4 ‘ It may be time to be a little flexible , ’ said her brother languidly .
5 The horse is kept locked up in a stable until it is time to be exhibited for the potential buyer or judge — or mare owner if the horse is a stallion standing at stud .
6 Abandon 'd then , ‘ t is time to be retir 'd ,
7 Now that we have a better understanding of the flight envelope it is time to explored Take the kite straight up , pull to make a 180-degree turn and you 've turned the kite nose-down into vertical dive .
8 Now it follows by definition that learning can only be brought into operation when the occasion allows leisure for conscious thought about the language being used and its conformity to rule , when there is time to ‘ focus on form ’ .
9 Most of the signals are only noted subconsciously but , with a little effort , it is quite easy to become more aware of them so that , should a warning bell ring at the back of your head , you will know it is time to be careful .
10 " When Laval starts praising collective security and multilateral treaties , it is time to be wary " , Nizan laconically remarked , dismissing out of hand Lavals professed support for the politics of peace as no more than " carefully phrased remarks " .
11 Housing association is time to rent arrears .
12 there , there is time to erm
13 You 've always been a bit of a soft touch , but now it 's time to wise up and tell those around you that enough is enough .
14 No need to be alarmist , but it 's time to be off .
15 She snoozes until it 's time to be fed ,
16 It 's time to be impervious to everyone 's judgement except your own .
17 It 's time to shit or bust .
18 I 'm reading a clock and I 'm thinking it 's time to be going to work .
19 And er yo you get the impression that it 's late in the day , the sky 's a bit stormy and maybe it 's time to be thinking about er getting home and er I get the impression that that person climbing over the stile is sort of on his way home after having a super day out walking in the the Yorkshire Dales or somewhere like that .
20 1 ) Under the theme ‘ It 's time to right wrongs ’ we hope to ‘ unpack ’ the ‘ Statement of Commitment ’ , to help the local organisers attending the conference to get a more up-to-date and accurate picture of the role Christian Aid seeks to fulfil .
21 We are using as our theme the CAW theme ‘ It 's time to right wrongs ’ , which provides an opportunity to ‘ unpack ’ the Statement of Commitment ‘ To Strengthen the Poor ’ .
22 There has been no positive response to our representations so perhaps it 's time to be more firm
23 You 're gon na go through it until I think it 's time to , to start blessing !
24 They all more or less agreed above undercurrents of mutual ill-will that it was time to be hit by the brutish cold again .
25 TWO WEEKS after I 'd made an appointment to see Neil Spencer ( editor ) with writing samples and DJ charts from the UK , it was time to hand in my first article for the beloved , much-worshipped NME .
26 It was time to rope up .
27 I remember thinking in ‘ 79 that it was time to really go for something , to finally try something different ; to be radical .
28 But one day Miss Havisham decided it was time to apprentice me to Joe , and told me to bring him to her house .
29 Robbie recognised that it was time to back down .
30 At the end of his campaign Ortega announced that it was time to " put away the olive green " ( the colour of the Sandinista Army uniform ) and expressed the hope that the electoral process would " open a new chapter in co-operation between the USA and Nicaragua " .
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