Example sentences of "be see as " in BNC.

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1 Though these developments are seen as part of moves to reduce Macao 's dependence on gambling ( which contributes 25 per cent of government revenue ) and Hong Kong ( which provides most of its gamblers ) , they leave some residents uneasy about China 's growing involvement in the local economy .
2 These deals are often sought by the European companies , as they are seen as a reciprocal entry ticket to the Japanese market .
3 Society , she says , may need to change its attitude to the perpetrators , from a climate where they are seen as ‘ monsters ’ faced with imprisonment to one where they can admit what has happened .
4 With regard to the Tory hierarchy Salisbury , Balfour , and even the supposedly dirigiste -minded Alfred Milner and Joseph Chamberlain , are seen as staunch anti-collectivists .
5 As before , exploitation and private property are seen as aspects of the same thing .
6 Saris are seen as a sign of the wearer being progressive .
7 It is also a play in which mortals are seen as figures of infinite pathos in a universe controlled by the whims of a cruel fate and a capricious deity .
8 They are seen as a drain on the profit because they do n't function in the labour market to produce profit .
9 The killings are seen as an attempt by Sikh extremists to provoke Hindu-Sikh riots which could disrupt parliamentary polls in the state scheduled within a fortnight .
10 Free elections , which could result in the Communist Party being reduced to playing a junior role , are seen as the only realistic way forward to end East Germany 's political and economic crisis .
11 These are seen as a barrier to many Asians .
12 There are few Japanese managers at Smyrna , Georgetown and Washington , and the few are seen as teachers , not meddlers .
13 The police and civil service are seen as oppressors and terrorists .
14 ‘ ESAs are seen as a flagship in MAFF and the government 's environmental profile , ’ said a spokesman .
15 Most of the disputes within the DUP can be understood better if they are seen as ‘ personality ’ clashes rather than if one attempts to find major ideological rifts .
16 Political conflicts of the sort which characterize the Northern Ireland problem are of a quite different nature because they are seen as part of a ‘ zero-sum ’ game .
17 If they have stopped working , they are likely to be seen as dependents — to be looked after more or less generously by the provision of pensions and health services , but with little relevance to educational policy ; simply , they are seen as a cost .
18 Usually these are seen as bushes , perhaps 5 ft or 6 ft high , but in old gardens they might be 15 ft , always with several branches arching from the base .
19 This model establishes a significant , albeit still circumscribed , role for state welfare , since social services are seen as a functional necessity in promoting social integration .
20 Productivity through people : people are seen as the sole basis for success which is developed through respect for the individual expressed through trust .
21 Although the Conservatives are seen as the natural allies of nuclear power , the ordering of every commercial reactor in Britain up to the 1980s was carried out by a Labour administration .
22 They are seen as a revolutionary force and as such , should act accordingly .
23 Low rents are seen as a form of bribery of the electorate .
24 They are seen as the last defence of standards .
25 It is a composite concept , an agglomeration of feelings which are not pleasant and are seen as an emotional state which can not continue indefinitely but from which one eventually requires temporary or permanent respite in order to restore health and calm .
26 We have moved away from such remedies as being too brutal for a humane society and nowadays those who advocate them are seen as blimpish relics of an imperialist , authoritarian society which favoured cold baths and weals on the buttocks as character forming .
27 The first effects of lateral heat flow are seen as a ‘ hiccup ’ in basin development denoted by the Symon Unconformity within the Westphalian C , approximately 18 my after the onset of thermal subsidence .
28 Of course one needs to exercise some common sense about the number of objectives written for any one piece of teaching , but if teaching sessions are seen as part of a series for a given student then objectives can be written for the whole series .
29 Linguists may be found working in a range of national and international organizations where foreign language skills and knowledge of other cultures are seen as a good foundation for a career .
30 Secondly , library skills are seen as part of a group of several related skills , suggesting that library skills should not be taught in isolation from study skills , learning skills and communication skills .
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