Example sentences of "be to some " in BNC.

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1 They overlap but they 're to some extent slightly different criteria .
2 The graduate in English was to be to some extent a scholar , in so far as he or she had a sense of the past and the capacity to understand literature in its historical contexts , particularly linguistic ; beyond that , what was looked for was wide reading , an appreciation of masterpieces , and a capacity to write well , attend to evidence , and disentangle sense from nonsense in argument .
3 However distasteful it may be to some people , this does at least provide a rational explanation for the behaviour of those bystanders , even if it does not excuse them .
4 A widower can become something of a ‘ cause ’ to those living in the same street or block of flats , whereas a widow , although not shunned , may be to some extent avoided by all but the most caring individuals in the early days of her bereavement .
5 Information about shape and size will of course be to some extent writer dependent .
6 Emerson revealed that both those who continued working and those who retired ‘ appeared to be to some extent affected by rather garbled information concerning retirement impact ’ ( Emerson 1959 ) .
7 He acknowledges that precisely what rules of property there should be is undetermined by this ‘ general requirement of justice ’ and he also concedes that the choice of rules will be to some extent arbitrary .
8 There is no good reason why that traditional understanding should now be abandoned , however inconvenient it may be to some of those who would otherwise like to shelter under the umbrella of the term " democracy " .
9 We have to confess that we are at a stage of understanding where any answer must be to some extent tentative .
10 There is some evidence ( by no means conclusive ) to indicate that the " hyper-male " situation ( XYY ) may be to some extent associated with aggressive tendencies and the XXY or XXXX situation with ultra.femininity .
11 I have just indicated one way in which criticism centred on the theory dependence of observation can be to some extent evaded by the inductivists , and I am convinced that they will be able to think of further ingenious defences .
12 When you went ashore it would be to some pub .
13 First , the authority of the lecturer in the teaching relationship has to be to some degree granted by the student .
14 Secondly , an exemption clause may be partially effective if it is shown to be to some extent reasonable .
15 Attractive he might be to some people , but he was out of her league and anyway , she was n't interested .
16 A lot of his personality , you know you have to like jolly people into liking and sublimating what their own inclination would be to some kind of group style .
17 ‘ I am to some extent on home ground there , ’ she said , reluctantly and not looking at him .
18 I was offered post-natal support having been to some NCT ante-natal classes .
19 It may be that demands were made beyond the capability of a particular individual , or the person concerned may simply have been to some degree in ill health .
20 Welcome as the Cabinet 's new policy must have been to some Ministers in the Lords , such as Lord Pakenham , then Minister of Civil Aviation and an abolitionist to his fingertips , voting for suspension can not have been an agreeable experience for the unyieldingly retentionist Lord Chancellor , Jowitt .
21 The other , John Beaumont , may also have been to some extent Gloucester 's man since he and his putative father Sir Henry Bodrugan went on to become supporters of Richard III in the region .
22 Owing to his lack of resources he had always been to some extent a figurehead , but he had become an indispensable one .
23 Besides , everyone who matters has already been to some sort of bash at the Natural History Museum ; this is new .
24 may it have been to some such vestibule ,
25 The other , John Beaumont , may also have been to some extent Gloucester 's man since he and his putative father Sir Henry Bodrugan went on to become supporters of Richard III in the region .
26 As outlined in para 3.3 below , the City Code applies to takeovers of certain categories of private companies ( broadly where the equity share capital has been to some extent publicly held at any time within the ten years prior to the offer ) .
27 The exemption does not apply if the equity share capital of the private company has been to some extent publicly held at any time within the ten years prior to the offer .
28 Well , I , I , I mean I 've been to one , to a meeting , they had in Manchester a few years ago , Irene 's been to some .
29 Duriez , who described himself as a pacifist , admitted that he had been to some of the raid locations .
30 Though I 've been to some Wakes that were nice
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