Example sentences of "be not at " in BNC.

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1 He saw no inconsistency between such temporary infatuations and the matrimonial ideal he presented now to Hooton , as he had already discussed it with Helen : ‘ I am not at all sure that there is anywhere a loftier , while there could be no sweeter , perfection than that of a household ’ .
2 I am not at all interested , Isabel . ’
3 For a painter in the 1990s to attempt this sort of transcendent landscape is rather startling , and , frankly , I am not at all sure that it comes off .
4 The results of these Monday afternoon treks ( is at Nursery and I am not at work only Monday and Friday afternoon and Friday afternoon is not a good time to go bothering people ! ) were now covering rather more than a double page and indeed was too much for a single newsletter article .
5 I did get a little warm milk from Rosa ( but I am not at all keen on milk ) and the warmest place at Low Birk Hatt , in fact , was the cow byre .
6 ‘ I am not at liberty to say just yet , madam , but its nature is serious .
7 However , I am not at all surprised that many who would have profited had they won did not so vote .
8 Sir , — I am not at all surprised to read ( EADT March 10 ) that Mr Ken Steward of Cross Green Farm , Cockfield is unhappy about people objecting to Atlas Aggregates proposal to excavate sand and gravel from his land , as he has a vested interest in the project being approved .
9 But again I stress that light-grasp is all-important , and I am not at all happy about the very small telescopes which can be bought cheaply .
10 It is clear enough , though large and dim ; any higher magnification shows it well , though even with × 20 I am not at all sure that I can begin to resolve it into stars .
11 the difficulty quite frankly is that everybody wants to join the Study Groups on foreign affairs or economic policy and I am not at all sure that electorally these are the two most important .
12 I am not at all persuaded that if offers a way of coping with human agency .
13 I venture to write and enquire if you would oblige me by calling at this Officer , at some time convenient to yourself : I am not at liberty to offer any further information at this juncture , but I think I may say that our meeting will be to your advantage .
14 ‘ But I am acting upon the instructions of a client who chooses to remain anonymous , so I am not at liberty to give you as much information as you might wish .
15 Besides , ’ her pudgy eyes suddenly narrowed and she ran a hand across her tattooed scalp , ‘ there are moves afoot which I am not at liberty to discuss .
16 Now I am not at one with technology such as electricity and things like that .
17 They have just given me the reasons why , which , as I see it , I am not at liberty to reveal at this stage .
18 Discussions are ongoing with a famous commercial radio station ( named after a nearby river ) whose identify I am not at liberty to reveal at present .
19 He told them how Howard 's words had shaken him , and said , ‘ There were things we did with the Security Forces in the forests of which I am not at all proud .
20 ‘ I certainly did n't want to take part in the play and I am not at all at ease with those — those people .
21 I am not at all sure that she will ever speak to me again . ’
22 I have no doubt that a brilliant article will appear but I am not at all fooled that someone of your peculiar talents would either be asked or would agree to such an easy exercise .
23 said ‘ I am not at present persuaded , however , that the condition in section 14(2) is excluded if at the time the contract is made the buyer is reasonably of the opinion that the defect can be , and will be , rectified at no cost to himself . ’
24 I saw the report to which my hon. Friend referred and I am not at all surprised that the Opposition tried to shout him down , for the simple fact is that the report revealed that the majority of people in this country recognise that the Labour party has now promised to increase spending on just about everything under the sun , which would mean higher borrowing , higher inflation and much higher taxes .
25 This is why I am not at home here .
26 " I am not at all devious , " Sara said offhandedly .
27 If you stall accidentally it is almost always because you are not aware of the low speed , etc. and therefore all the training in the world will not prevent you from responding instinctively because you are not at that moment aware that you are stalled .
28 ‘ You are not at all satisfied , ’ Susan said softly into the President 's ear .
29 Could you tell us why you are not at work ? ’
30 The sexuality in the record is troubled , mind and body are not at one with each other .
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