Example sentences of "be [indef pn] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Oh dear , I hope they 're none the worse ? ’
2 ‘ We 're none the wiser . ’
3 " I know : steak four times a day topped with butter and tons of eggs and cheese and stuff and you 're none the worse for it . "
4 ‘ Despite your obvious fondness for the place , you 're none the less nothing more than a temporary caretaker .
5 Some of the congregation are not regulars , but they 're none the less welcome for that .
6 Teresa of Avila and Catherine of Siena , both of whom ‘ indulged ’ in rigorous self-discipline ( and indeed it was on Catherine of Siena that Rose of Lima modelled her own life style ) , are none the less deeply respected .
7 Despite the saints involved , both customs derive from Celtic paganism , and are none the worse for that .
8 Reasons which authoritative directives should , but fail to , reflect are none the less among the reasons which justify holding the directives binding .
9 There are many churches , pleasant or handsome , which though not perhaps of special architectural interest , are none the less important and well-loved local landmarks .
10 The ideas themselves are none the less valid despite this neglect .
11 The challenges are none the less great , and the organization has still to define its role .
12 The words ‘ I ask you , son , to care for the lands which will come to you with your usual diligence and look after them so that they may come to your sons ’ , although they do not sufficiently express a trust but advice rather than obligation to leave the lands , are none the less regarded as having the force of a trust in favour of the grandsons after the death of their father .
13 This section examines cases which use indirect words , words directed to someone other than the trustee , which are none the less held to give rise to an obligation under trust in the trustee .
14 Though irreconcilable , these differences are none the less very much at the centre of philosophy 's concern with the possibilities or ‘ knowing ’ .
15 Some families who need the certainty of legal adoption are none the less more than willing to allow their child to continue contact with members of the birth family .
16 These rules may not much resemble the traditional grammatical rules of school textbooks but rules they are none the less . ’
17 But they are none the less so different that many questions arise .
18 These exports are still , to be sure , ‘ dependent ‘ , in the terms of the matrix in chapter 1 , but they are none the less valuable and help to explain the asymmetry of the multi-nationals ’ share of investment and their share of trade .
19 They are none the less important , for other industries are moving in the same direction .
20 The issues for trade policy are none the less clear .
21 Valentine 's pertinent comments about the origins of different behaviour originating in structural constraints which excluded the poor from the life-styles of the more affluent have lost none of their force , but any consideration of everyday life in Cramlington and North Shields has to address the issue of different and distinctive life-styles which are none the less embedded in a common cultural matrix .
22 By the close of that decade even writers like Thackeray , who are content to believe that all is well in the other nation , are none the less keenly aware of the divide — though he sees no reason to cross it — between a gentleman and his servants , ‘ who live with us all our days and are strangers to us : so strong custom is , and so pitiless the distinction between class and class ’ .
23 In practice , the majority of services can be provided locally , but there are none the less certain disadvantages in carving a district up into ‘ patches ’ or ‘ localities ’ .
24 Dramatisations and reconstructions can be of great value in trying to convey to pupils an idea of the past , but they are none the less interpretations .
25 The figures , which are none the less an improvement on the previous year , will be discussed at United 's AGM on March the fiftenth .
26 His resolve and optimism , tempered with caution , are none the less remarkable .
27 And , people are none the wiser they , if they can see it
28 ‘ Regrettably , I am none the wiser . ’
29 I am none the less glad to make a short contribution to the cross-party connection in support of the Bill .
30 All the doctors are achieving with their uncontrollable itch to boss , patronise and distribute public money is to establish an idiotic certainty in our morally confused age that condoms ought to be free because they are something the government wants us to use .
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