Example sentences of "be [to-vb] [num] " in BNC.

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1 What time we were gon na be viewing houses but we 've been to see two .
2 I 've only been to see one game so far this season , so it 's difficult for me to judge , but maybe some of you who 've been more often could speculate ?
3 I 've just been to see one of our early arrivals in his cabin .
4 As for the Pilkington Cup , to ensure the senior clubs are protected , including the relegated ones , the counties are to lose 10 places in the competition from season 1993–94 .
5 The purpose of this chapter has been to establish three propositions : that religious beliefs have penetrated scientific discussion on many levels , that to reduce the relationship between science and religion to one of conflict is therefore inadequate , but that to construct a revisionist history for apologetic purposes would be just as problematic .
6 For Freud , this would have been to replace one set of dogmatic assertions with another set , held by the believers to be for ever true , and providing a sense of false security for them .
7 No they 're to buy two sizes too small , that 's why it do n't look right .
8 The Springboks ( I hope the name will be kept ) are to play eight matches in France and four in England , including one against England ‘ B ’ .
9 The actions for ‘ one went bang ’ are to point one finger and then clap hands once .
10 So , a 1 metre ( 39in ) parachute has a circumference of 314cm ( 123in ) and , if we are to use 14 gores , then each must be 22.4cm ( 8¾in ) wide at the base plus the hem which will be about 1 cm or 0.4in .
11 According to a statement issued by the company , the major specialist departments are to form five key divisions , supported by a small policy team of senior directors from Christie 's Europe , America and the Far East .
12 Current proposals are to retrofit 6,000 MW of power by 1997 .
13 There are two members I think have spoken from the Liberal benches concerning funding bureaucracy and I would agree entirely with what that means but they 've also mentioned in the same bet , budgetary control and if you 're going to control budgets , you have to have a minimal amount of bureaucracy and the function really of the head of the er of the project , er the head of the the post that 's now slipped into oblivion with this motion , would actually have been to do two things it would have been to hold the two groups together and it would have been to have overall control of that budget and it would n't have been easy and I would n't have like the job and I wouldn't 've applied for it and certainly would have been very difficult indeed .
14 But as the social role of technology changes , so must the genre whose task has traditionally been to keep one step ahead of science as we know it .
15 The value of the political talks so far has been to expose three basic truths .
16 Plans are to run two nights per week but while the company has indicated Monday and Friday , this has not yet been agreed with the Irish Coursing Club .
17 Charity run : Airmen from North Yorkshire are to run 300 miles for charity next month .
18 The objective had been to build seven nuclear bombs — the minimum necessary for testing purposes and for the maintenance of a credible deterrent capability .
19 But what he has done has been to study twenty one species of freshwater molluscs — that means snails , clams , things of that kind from the Lake Tocarno region of Africa .
20 Its most likely function would be to enable one speaker to convey not only the matter of a remark by another speaker but also the manner in which it was made .
21 Methinks that our selector' biggest problem will be to find 16 players prepared to make the trip .
22 Everyone knows our strategy must be to sell one player every year or eighteen months , ’ says the chairman .
23 I know , but I 'm to buy two birthday presents I just do n't have thirty .
24 A charming way of decorating a tiny room , study or minute dining room would be to cover one of the walls with a host of miniatures , so they are almost like wallpaper .
25 The effect of this major reshaping would be to require 16 institutions , consisting of seven polytechnics and nine colleges of higher education , to cease initial teacher training , and some of the colleges to close altogether .
26 How easy it would be to dial 999 .
27 More information is required before gastric lavage can be abandoned completely in favour of giving activated charcoal , but a reasonable alternative to lavage could be to give 50–100 g of activated charcoal to adults who have taken a substantial overdose of a toxic substance no more than two hours previously .
28 It would be to let one maxim remind him of the treacherous limits of his information and the other of unconsidered consequences of delay , and try to fill both gaps in his awareness before letting himself be moved in one direction or the other .
29 They 're part of a four hundred-strong team whose task will be to keep two and a half thousand soldiers supplied with everything from food to clean clothing .
30 An obvious one might be to execute three good carve gybes .
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