Example sentences of "be [pers pn] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 What sizes are them Gordon ?
2 Mum where are them Contax
3 Am I ah sorry am I Alan ah yes I 'm sorry yes
4 S1 : No I ai n't am I Sharon ?
5 Am I Robert Wilson ?
6 Am I Hamlet or Don Quixote ?
7 Am I Seamus O'Reilly ?
8 Am I Napoleon ?
9 But I ca n't tell you what it felt like , first of all having cancer , secondly trying to talk about it , and being continually asked , ‘ Well , how are you Jo ? ’ and you 'd see their eyes glaze over and they 'd think , ‘ Christ , I hope she 's not going to tell me ! ’
10 Oh you 're not gon na start a massive argument tonight are you Jo ?
11 I 'm thirteen by the way , and Jo 's , how old are you Jo ? fourteen ?
12 How old are you Wolf , thirteen in n it ?
13 ‘ Who are you Cassie ?
14 Are you Robert or are you Yusuf or are you Omar ?
15 You carry a notebook , like a journalist in a film , and scribble down street conversation — much of it ‘ How are you Mrs Jones ? ’ inanities — in the hope that there will be something at the end of the day to turn into copy .
16 Are you Mrs Gaunt 's daughter ? ’
17 That 's what I said to her when she said it the other day I said how old are you Mrs ?
18 The next day the policeman went where Mr Banks lived and they rang the bell , hello , hello are you Mrs Banks ?
19 Good morning , how are you Douglas ?
20 Are you Taurus ? ’ asked Larry .
21 You 're not burning yourself are you Mark ?
22 Are you Captain Farouk ? ’ she asked .
23 How are you Trevor ?
24 How are you Fiona , alright ?
25 Are you Peter John ?
26 Are you Peter John ?
27 You 're not nervous are you Peter ?
28 How old are you Ben ?
29 I 'm really looking forward to this , are you Pete ?
30 I 'm not frightened , are you Jim ? ,
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