Example sentences of "be [noun pl] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Whether you are accounts manager , personnel manager or production manager , think " marketing " .
2 Although Clive & Stokes took on one partner from Barker , Peter Bingham ( who had been personnel Director of Bowater ) , the strategy was not successful and in 1986 the connection with Barker was severed .
3 I mean , a lot of these grants go sporting wise , very few are arts type grants , and it 's something that a lot of people participate , and a lot of people get pleasure out of .
4 How much intimidation took place after the previous raid is hard to gauge , but in 1955 Charley Head , who had been signals officer with 3 Commando in March 1941 , revisited the islands and learnt that no one was shot after the March raid , although some houses had been burnt down .
5 Such a college would admit students at about the age of sixteen , but there are risks attendant upon such a scheme and only ‘ a limited number of experiments ’ would be approved .
6 When it comes to practical advice , however , there are sins aplenty , of omission and commission .
7 Four red box bankers are Murlens Gift , Mauir
8 I mean Preston is about twenty miles south of er where we are but I know that there are gardens north of where we are that do grow good peaches but what they do they cover the er plants during the early spring round about February time and they cover it with very fine ne net , that 's all they need to do with it just cover it up when the flowers are out , make sure that they lift it off every now and again to do the pollinating , get them set and then when the frosts have gone take the net off .
9 These are lectures lecture courses which happen on one day and which are really designed to cover something of interest to sixth form science teachers , usually sixth form physics teachers .
10 Its most famous eating houses are Simpsons Tavern and The Jamaica Wine House in the City of London .
11 Are parents doing that these days ?
12 The International Court of Justice has asserted that some obligations are owed to the international community , that is , they are obligations erga omnes , not confined to bilateral rights and obligations .
13 So , I 'll be brief erm we welcome the report , we think that there 's a number of very valid points , we hope that funding has been agreed today er allow er the major parts of that go forward and now , we are commissioners route , further a funding group as for future years , so they will be accepting er the second Labour amendment .
14 No they 're bulls dear .
15 You 're shits cat
16 God there was like a ra , I was on the computer today and there was like weeee really ringing sort of noise erm , I thought it was just you know , when you 're ears ring ?
17 But you know you see those tr trees outside St Peters Square they look good the church looks good framed behind them in the country they 're trees country churches are surrounded by trees and they look better for it they frame buildings .
18 They 're copycats man
19 They 're all , they 're ships Kev .
20 yeah recruiting , dog shitting on their street etc etc etc that we do our best to deal with in the yer know time honoured tradition of a policeman and a and we 're police officer sorry , sorry Trace , er and er we just you know I think it 's more a P R O thing than er anybody , but I do n't expect you to man it , I do n't expect Jenny or Ann or or Jane to man it
21 It 's just that he 's been used to having his own way for so long it does n't occur to him there are perspectives alternative to his own . ’
22 The research will address particularly two issues in Metropolitan health and welfare planning : To what extent are socially disadvantaged individuals concentrated in relatively deprived geographic areas ? and how are individuals self reported morbidity and health service use related to the social characteristics of the neighbourhoods where the survey respondents live ?
23 Nearby are Housesteads Fort and one of the best preserved sections of the wall .
24 There are obiter dicta in Butler which explore these possibilities , but they are possibilities alien to the common law , and unlikely to be applicable .
25 A couple to note in the Sturt colours are Scintillas Crest and Scintillas Silk — who have been pencilled in for Thursday 's meeting .
26 Where , however , there are conditions precedent to a lease being granted , eg the fact that the premises have not yet been constructed by the landlord , or the tenant is to carry out works before the lease is granted , or there is some other reason preventing the immediate completion of the lease , the parties will , or would be advised to , enter into an agreement for lease , perhaps along the following lines .
27 There had been things Crevecoeur could have done to get out , such as take advantage of the open invitation to take up with Cab 's natro group .
28 The high-jinks of the victorious Yorkshire sides are lively in the telling , and there are laughs aplenty in his recollections of the 1963–64 MCC tour of India , during which he played five of his six Tests .
29 Had the matter been res integra , there is much to be said in favour of Judge Davies QC 's reasoning .
30 ‘ There are ways night people have a better time , Richard .
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