Example sentences of "be [vb pp] you " in BNC.

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1 If you have been dismissed you may be falling behind with mortgage payments , rent or other debts .
2 Going out to the outlying part of town in which the creche had been situated you now travelled along a metalled road .
3 Er they had them all back like when the pits was nationalized , all these people who 'd been sacked you know got back on .
4 If timbers have not already been treated you must call in a wood treatment specialist for a report .
5 You may find that Social Services will put your name on their vacancy list , and once you are registered you can advertise .
6 I was in there nearly three years , or two and a half years anyway and , of course , I when I passed to go to the Q M of course , I , I used to do the Headmaster 's and all that but they , they could n't teach me any more because you , you can only have the same lessons as them that have been taught you know .
7 If you understand how the books are arranged you will find it much easier when you are looking for books .
8 When the transfer has been completed you should continue as follows :
9 When the transfer has been completed you should continue as follows :
10 I remembered again why I preferred my bike : when you are shattered you can get off and walk .
11 You are fined you are heavily fined in Germany and for decades already .
12 You are expected you know
13 All these are smashed you know .
14 That had been booked you see before
15 Well of course the branch secretary would give all the data , information regarding that , you see , and why s as a protest why he should n't have been superseded you see .
16 If a substantial loss has been suffered you may be able to sue the vendor , and if you lack financial resources you may qualify for legal aid .
17 When your offer has been accepted you should send out letters to the unsuccessful candidates .
18 But once that 's been accepted you ca n't argue with the price and this jacket 's certain to keep you warm for a few years at least .
19 Once the air passages are freed you must recover . ’
20 So well actually I 've been robbed you got your own villas .
21 what are you , you 're given you 're given her permission to phone
22 You do know that if you 're stopped you 've got to get all that backdated do n't you ?
23 But if you 're paralysed you
24 Erm as with many , many parts of the Gospel you 're expected you 're expected to be able to look more deeply than on the surface .
25 do n't forget when they 're added when they 're added you can do them one bit at a time .
26 get an electrical one , they 're much more chea , they 're much more better , er shh , shh you 're done you do n't have to spend all day mowing the lawn with the , the pair of scissors
27 Erm , if you 're prepared you have n't got to fumble with your notes , the ums and aahs are less , the facts flow , you call your client the right name , and you can concentrate on the presentation .
28 It just slows you down so that there are no longer enough hours in the day , and then some things get put off and other things are only half-completed and you 're told you need help — an assistant priest , no less , to concentrate , as the Bishop with his unfailing instinct for the wrong word put it , on ‘ the donkey work ’ ( well , perhaps after all I was only a beast of burden , Father McGiff conceded ) to give you ‘ a chance to relax , take life more easily , think a bit more , pray a bit more , meditate ’ .
29 Yeah , you 're told you 're going and we spend the first day overcoming barriers to the fact that they do n't know why they 're there , they 've just been sent and it 'll be good for you , you know this sort of stuff .
30 you when you learnt to drive when you came to reversing you 're told you must look
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