Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Restrictions on footballers in Eastern Europe playing abroad have gradually been eased as Poles , Soviets and others have come to regard the export of players as a useful means of acquiring hard currency .
2 The Careers Service should be informed when the position has been filled whether by a Compact student or by another young person .
3 was promoted to the Chair in Accountancy and Finance and a number of vacancies in have been filled or are in the process of being filled .
4 An hour later , when the board had been filled and emptied a hundred times and the duster was whiter than Rose 's hair after a day under the machines , the children sat back , dazed by the splendour of Miss Harker 's academic prowess and not a whit the wiser for it .
5 I think there was a corner in the market that had n't been filled and we were there to do it .
6 Inside there is a piscina and in the bedrooms can be seen the outline of old windows that have been filled and plastered over .
7 The Preamble to the new recommendations acknowledged the changes : " Some important gaps in knowledge have been filled and new issues have emerged to challenge the international community .
8 More than 400 district council seats have been filled and although support for Alliance has improved , the anticipated fall in support for the DUP did not materialise .
9 It will not rest until the death has been avenged and the murderer punished , when it will fly to the Afterworld and inform the victim of his murderer 's fate .
10 Description and decision are delayed until an extended visual search is completed .
11 In muscles receiving delayed innervation , or muscles innervated at aberrant synaptic sites , both receptor clustering and receptor synthesis are delayed or redirected , consistent with the new pattern of innervation .
12 Living on income support is for many a very negative experience — the intrusive questioning about income and about personal relationships ; the difficulties of queuing with young children ; the problems when benefits are delayed or lost ; the lack of control over income as more and more direct deductions are made — all these and more contribute to the difficulties of bringing up children alone on a low income .
13 10.1 If either you or we are delayed or prevented from performing our obligations under this order , by circumstances beyond the reasonable control of either of us , ( including without limitation any form of government intervention , strikes and lock-outs relevant to this order , breakdown of plant or delays by sub-contractors concerned ) such performance shall be suspended , and if it can not be completed within a reasonable time after the due date as specified in this order , this order may be cancelled by either party .
14 The affair seems to him to belong to the town , to have no future , and they are parted when the town comes under fear and hazard .
15 Mrs Belgrove , a 32-year-old agricultural graduate , started by hacking down trees and giant weeds , under which were plants such as sedum and aquilegia which had been hidden since before the First World War .
16 Yesterday police were still combing the area for any similar devices which may have been hidden and for further clues .
17 The scratches had been hidden and it now shone like new .
18 But , being , a cunning old devil and a bit of a peeping tom , ( a purvoyeur ) , he knew where every valuable had been hidden and late one night he removed everything leaving the holes empty .
19 The appearance in the Tripoli courtroom of the two suspects , Abdel Baset Ali Mohammed al-Megrahi and al-Amin Khalifa Fhimah , disproved persistent US suggestions that they had been hidden or even executed by the Libyan authorities .
20 Mr Gould moved on to Brussels , where his anti-EEC inclinations — which have been hidden though never abandoned in recent years — became entrenched .
21 However the modish concept of " proto-industrialisation " ( above pp. 4 – 5 ) has led to a dominant image of women 's work as having been hidden because in rural cottage manufacturing it , as with the work of children , was subsumed in a family unit of production in which it was neither separately waged nor described .
22 ( In the police and civil service an estimated 80 per cent of Albanian employees had been dismissed or had resigned . )
23 Art for art 's sake has been dismissed as ‘ apolitical ’ , ‘ solipsistic ’ , ‘ bourgeois ’ .
24 Some of those who have recorded human rights violations have been dismissed as trouble-makers and on occasion have themselves been threatened , tortured and killed .
25 Babe-obsessed boys like Bill and Ted , Wayne and Garth and MTV 's Pauly Shore might once have been dismissed as metalhead wastoids , but now they 're big box office in a country seemingly intent on celebrating the stupidity of its youth .
26 Yet the Africanness of those wars has meanwhile been obscured by the outbreak in Europe of tribal fights that would once have been dismissed as typically African .
27 Anyone who thought before 1990 that Richard Perle , Ronald Reagan 's ultra-hawkish arms-control man , and Anne Lewis , a political consultant who has been a close ally of Jesse Jackson , would agree on policy towards Iraq would have been dismissed as mad : but they did .
28 Responding to criticism that the commission had said next to nothing about the role of university scientists , , president emeritus of the Rockefeller University in New York and co-chairman of the commission , said that any such comments would have been dismissed as special pleading .
29 Smith has been dismissed as ‘ presence of mind Smith ’ from his alleged remark on returning without his companion from a disastrous outing on the river : ‘ If I had not with great presence of mind hit him on the head with a boathook both would have been drowned , ’ but the story comes from Reminiscences of Oxford ( 1st edn. 1900 ) by William Tuckwell , who in his second edition ( 1907 ) consigned it to oblivion ; moreover , there was no charge of murder .
30 According to Cannistraro , the report had been dismissed as unreliable at the time but now , in the light of the ‘ proven ’ Libyan connection , was the missing link that placed the blame squarely on Gaddafi .
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