Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 It is made up of a number of bones ( vertebrae ) which are placed one on top of another .
2 Documents are placed one on top of the other in drawers or box files .
3 This happens when a succession of items are placed one after another in a sentence without words to indicate their order or importance .
4 Managers often view a job at Shell , where they are given plenty of decisions to make early on in their career , as an alternative to taking an MBA .
5 And for everybody whose joined after , I think it was last January , we make sure that there is a job description , and that they are given one when they join , and we keep on file erm , but I know that there are loads of people who have been here longer than that some people have got them and they are out of date .
6 Er er simply er that the various upper case items which are listed one to twelve , are backed up in lower case script .
7 They are taught nothing about helping people to die .
8 The salutation seemed to open infinite possibilities , and expressed a recognition of his right to travel ; he felt welcomed , and also saw that he had been given something of inestimable value .
9 After all , the inspector himself admitted wondering whether Nicola had learnt or been given something that put her in danger .
10 The hound had been given something of Sir Henry 's to smell so that it would pick up his scent and follow him .
11 I gathered from the locals here that Leeds have been given something around the 2,500 mark so I expect they will go quite quickly .
12 I gathered from the locals here that Leeds have been given something around the 2,500 mark so I expect they will go quite quickly .
13 The press had been given nothing but ‘ blurry , distorted photographs culled from television shots of occasions in the past at which North happened to be present ’ ; at best , ABC News had shown ‘ pictures of the back of a man 's head that may or may not have been North 's as the man got into an Embassy car in Cyprus on the occasion of the homeward flight of one of the hostages ’ .
14 Since joining his local unit , however , he had been given nothing to do but monotonous night drilling in almost inaccessible fields with shovels or hurleys as substitute rifles , dire shortage of arms and ammunition having restricted the unit to only two sessions of real firing practice .
15 The racegoers from the train were on the whole easily identifiable as they all seemed to have been issued with large red and white rosettes with Race Train passenger emblazoned on them in gold : and the rosettes proved not to be confined to those in the front half of the train because I came across Zak wearing one too , and he told me that everyone had been given one , the owners included , and where was mine ?
16 I can still see him sitting there at his desk , me standing in front , yelling at me how lucky I was , how I 'd been given everything , was this all I could do with it .
17 He did one thing in Hollywood for which he has not been given anything like sufficient credit .
18 for you , I said we worked you know , we 've not been given anything , everything
19 In our main survey , only seven per cent told us that they had had classes about household budgeting or managing money while they were at school — and rather less than half of even this small minority said that they had been taught anything about buying on credit , or borrowing money .
20 ‘ But we have n't been taught anything about relationships .
21 Some are stacked one on top of another and there 's three stacked on together .
22 Certainly , the easiest route for companies to obtain a duty-free quota would seem to be to buy a Polish firm that has been assigned one .
23 Until crippled economies are rebuilt everything will be very brittle .
24 There was a time when this entire hillside had been covered in forest but , being closest to home , the trees had been felled one after another for building and firewood .
25 This suggested they had been attacked one at a time , and taken by surprise , which reinforced the verdict that two and not four men were involved .
26 At school , she had been considered something of a ‘ character ’ — a freak by her enemies , an eccentric by those loyal to her , or touched by the high voltage of her need .
27 So there are a few initiatives there , but I do n't think there 's been done anything on the music front though .
28 When that has been ascertained one must determine the nature of the receipts as capital or income in accordance with the law of England .
29 The Ombudsman found that the DTI committed errors in its advice to Barlow Clowes back in 1976 and if it had applied for a licence then it would not have been granted one .
30 He said he would have done considerably better had he been granted anything approaching equal access to the media and had tricks not been played against him .
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