Example sentences of "be [adv] within " in BNC.

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1 The difficulty seems to arise within the membership in knowing exactly what areas of responsibility each section has , what are the rules of debate for sectional conferences , are decisions taken at sectional conferences binding on the union rulebook relating to that section and within all of this sectionalization , what role does the Apex conference now play , as those members , like myself , are presumably within one of the other sections too .
2 ‘ Our plans are entirely within the council 's planning brief . ’
3 However , these are only within the reach of the better-off and those who can win a scholarship or bursary .
4 In terms of closeness to hearing children 's reading , deaf children are only within striking distance between the ages of 7 and 8 years and thereafter suffer significant decline in relative performance which produces very poor performance by the time they leave school .
5 In practice many targets remain unchanged for the following year and alterations are normally within the range of 10 per cent up or down .
6 Disseminators of " indecent " material which lacks the potency to corrupt are generally within the law so long as they do not despatch it by post , or seek to import it from overseas , or flaunt it openly in public places .
7 Second , even if the major private capitalist enterprises were nationalised this would not abolish the problem of allocating resources between the kind of ‘ infrastructural ’ provision , and social services , which are already within the public sector in Britain and those areas of commodity production which are at present the domain of ‘ private enterprise ’ .
8 This new machine would not be characterized by the ‘ commanding ’ methods of capitalist state officials but by the routines of managers and bookkeepers , ‘ functions which are already within the capacity of the average city dweller ’ ( p. 43 ) .
9 At the first , a middle-aged woman with an enormous bosom was digging a fork into a plate of salad with the precision of an accountant jabbing at his calculator , before transferring the accumulated forkful up to her rapidly masticating jaws ; and Morse knew that if he had married her , it would all have been over within the week .
10 Though there were clearly classical influences on Agatha Christie 's work — most obviously in the collection The Labours of Hercules — they are not within the province of this study , particularly since the subject has been expertly covered by other scholars .
11 But it can not be stated too emphatically that the principles by reference to which decisions are made are not within the unique prerogative of doctors to lay down .
12 The only difference is a distinct advantage : on large waters a punt will enable you to fish swims which are not within casting range of the bank .
13 If you live at any distance from medical help , or are not within easy reach of a telephone , it might be wise to add some ‘ activated charcoal ’ to the medicine cupboard , as it can slow down the absorption of poison .
14 Do not allow yourself to be pushed around by an agency that tells you they have a large number of suitable vacancies and then persists in sending you for jobs which are not within your specifications .
15 If the securing straps are not within the legal requirements a full description will be necessary .
16 If they are not within 15 per cent of each other a third valuation will be obtained and the average taken of the two closest valuations from all three .
17 If the Snotlings are not within 12″ of a friendly Orc or Goblin unit they are affected by psychology as normal .
18 ( a ) Look first for goals that are not within your power to achieve : from the above list , 6 and 9 are low probability items impossible to achieve for most of us .
19 It might also be argued that the treatment of language in terms of sentences has been quite successful in revealing how language works , that within the sentence we can establish rules and constraints concerning what is and is not allowed , whereas beyond the sentence , such rules seem either to disintegrate or turn into rules of a different kind — social rules or psychological rules , which are not within the area of linguistic study at all .
20 Instead , it compromises ; expressions of opinion , however distasteful or offensive they may be , are not within the ambit of the legislation without the additional public order elements .
21 Many members , from all Banks , feel that the Banks ' temporary staff numbers are not within the agreed limits .
22 ’ Erskine May ’ states clearly that amendments may be made in Committee even if they are not within the Bill 's scope according to the long title .
23 Mergers and takeovers are not within the company 's experience , and are not likely to succeed in such a consistent , pervasive corporate culture .
24 In its simplest form hearsay is evidence of facts which are not within the knowledge of a witness but have been communicated to him by another .
25 Gestures which are not within the normal scope of the private landlord , gestures of a political kind that could be a dangerous precedence for other political and possibly improper objectives in the future .
26 year if we 're still within B R we certainly wo n't
27 Wet brakes are always within an axle ; dry brakes may be internal or external .
28 The great thing about BarclayPlus is that your savings are always within reach .
29 But here again the knowledge is so practical , so much preconditioned by behaviour , that it can be taught and is taught mainly by doing what they are told to do on particular occasions and by not being allowed to do or to touch certain things that are always within their experience .
30 Cooking in the classical French style , something spiced with the flavour of the Orient , an evocation of the Arabian nights or India , national dishes from the Balkans , Greece or the Mediterranean , the Italian pizza , the Spanish paella , the Hungarian goulash or a genuine American hamburger , are always within easy reach .
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