Example sentences of "be [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Finally she chose a plump boiling fowl , in deference to that great Gascon King of France , Henri Quatre , whose ambition it had been to see that all his subjects were well fed enough to have a chicken in their pot each week , and had made La Poule Au Pot a loved and traditional name for restaurants .
2 A set of raw recruits was marching up and down with a new drill instructor , who sounded every bit as determined as the late Sergeant-Major Philpott had been to see that the snow was never allowed to settle .
3 In each case , if I am to claim that this revelation or experience is of ‘ God ’ , and is not simply an expression of some form of mental delusion which should be referred to a psychoanalyst , then I am forced to debate the interpretation that I am giving .
4 The naturalistic instinct has been to claim that mind somehow creates generality in a sense stronger than that which Aristotle allows ; it does not merely release generality from its potential state in matter , but fabricates it .
5 There is increasing independent evidence that the first trusts are proving that bringing management back into the hospitals is already bringing benefits to patients and staff .
6 It has been hypothesised that this characteristic is due to extra chromosomal material in the X chromosome as compared with the Y chromosome .
7 To explain these associations it has been hypothesised that dietary fat increases the colonic concentrations of soluble free fatty acids and secondary bile acids .
8 ‘ Methinks I am to be your chaperon — which means , I suppose , that I am to see that you conduct yourself properly and are accompanied suitably whenever you leave these apartments .
9 ‘ I am dumbfounded that Ferguson tells me I could n't have spoken to Edwards , but the person I feel really sorry for is Gary Bull .
10 First , it has meant that those genes are favoured that have the property of ‘ cooperating ’ with those other genes that they are likely to meet in circumstances that favour cooperation .
11 We hope that when the others are erected that they will consider themselves left out and perhaps join in .
12 How the latter will be achieved remains to be seen , but it has been mooted that a surcharge should be levied on tropical timber , to be paid by the market , which could be used to undertake research into ways of achieving and ensuring tropical forest survival .
13 In the early stages of the planning of the New York show , it had been mooted that the pictures from the Russian , French and American institutions could be lent to each musem in turn .
14 Moreover , since it came to be accepted by many schools that a pupil could not study these separate subjects at A level unless he or she had already studied them at O level ( although in the 1950s it had been intended that O levels should be ‘ bypassed ’ by those who would study a subject at A level ) the domination of the university faculties began when a pupil was 14 .
15 It had never been intended that the flimsy structure should support such a weighty assembly , so with a creaking and a cracking and much shouting and swearing down it went in a flurry of legs and arms and broken planks and red Australian dust .
16 But investigations into the leaking of sensitive material from Washington had narrowed down to Maclean as chief suspect , and it seems that Burgess was detailed , probably by Philby , who was still in Washington , to warn him and organize his escape , although it does not seem to have been intended that Burgess should go too .
17 The presence of the provision , however , suggests that kadis had in practice been making their way back into the medrese stream , though it may well never have been intended that they should do so .
18 The majority of their lordships rejected this argument and held that it had been intended that a customer who accepted the offer by buying four gallons would thereby become entitled in law to have a World Cup coin .
19 We are seeing that we have a message to communicate .
20 Few cases are quite as confusing as the zebra 's stripes , but there is always the chance that in a year or so 's time new information will have been gathered that changes our views about some aspect of animal life .
21 Since the work of S. S. Stevens in the 1930s and later , it has been recognized that , although the Weber-Fechner Law holds for many sorts of sensory experience , the exponent varies widely ; nevertheless , the principle of a quantitative correlation between external stimulus , neural activity and experienced sensation remains intact and now appears to be well-established .
22 Over thousands of years it has been recognized that the human body has a non-physical component , and it is striking that through all the descriptions there is a strong energy theme .
23 It has long been recognized that reading can provide young pupils with the chance to develop a general ‘ feel for the language ’ .
24 It has long been recognized that a variety of structural divisions have generated more or less distinct cultures and sub-cultures , whether based on class divisions , age , gender or religion .
25 Increasingly it has been recognized that there is a need to focus explicitly on the nature and form that child abuse or child protection interventions take in everyday practice , and in the process to try and identify models of good practice which can then be developed in the future .
26 IT has long been recognized that the electrical conductivity of the lower continental crust is anomalously high .
27 Recently , however , it has also been recognized that surface-water hydrology and climate variations can influence the evolution of individual silicic caldera-hosted geothermal systems , although it is difficult to judge the general importance of such effects in controlling the long-term behaviour of continental geothermal systems .
28 Going back to the early thoughts of the RHA on the matter in the mid-1970s , it had been recognized that the reduction in the hospital populations meant that there would be competition for any savings between the hospitals themselves and district services .
29 On the other hand , it has been recognized that such concessions can , if applied fairly and without discrimination , aid the efficient administration of the tax system .
30 In the absence of formal evidence , this claim can not be checked , but it has always been recognized that the choice of Gloucester to head the government was an obvious possibility for the dying king .
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