Example sentences of "the world [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The question now arises : just what are the consciously functioning parts of the world capitalist economy ?
2 What can be added , however , is that structural aspects of the world capitalist economy make for the dependency of developing on developed countries — a fact which tends to perpetuate inequalities .
3 First , is the theory historically true in the sense that the phenomenon of imperialism is best explained in terms of the expansion of the world capitalist system ?
4 So while dependency theorists argue for general delinking from the world capitalist system , some mode of production theorists argue that capitalist industrialization is the only reliable path to development and , eventually , socialist revolution in the Third World ( Warren , 1980 ) .
5 1972 and early 1973 was a period of very rapid growth throughout the world capitalist system .
6 The formation of a strategy for confronting the current crisis of accumulation in the world capitalist system will depend on the factors that have been examined in this chapter : the balance of social forces , class strategies and forms of political representation ; the broad historical character of the state ; and its internal composition , organizational interests , and dynamic .
7 Why do so many governments , rich and poor , spend so much on weapons and military equipment which rapidly become obsolete , and which ordinary people throughout the world hope will never be used ?
8 Why do so many governments , rich and poor , spend so much money on military equipment and weapons which rapidly become obsolete and which ordinary people throughout the world hope will never be used ?
9 Environmentalists , led by the Greenpeace organization and the World Wide Fund for Nature , had conducted an intense campaign in support of the world park proposals .
10 Third place in the World Press Photo Sports Picture of the Year
11 The world press thronged into Belfast .
12 Literature on the subject has chiefly been critical ; for example , in a special review of the world press in 1973 , The Times of London had this to say about the African press in what was a uniformly gloomy and disapproving report :
13 The US farmer will tend to set the world grain price , says economist Michael Murphy .
14 Any reduction in North American grain yields has potentially severe consequences for the world grain market in terms of food shortages , especially for Third World nations with poor purchasing power .
15 For example , the TNCs that control the world grain trade are criticized if they do not sell grain to the Third World , and they are criticized if they do .
16 The world grain harvest during 1992 is expected to be the lowest for five years at 686 pounds per person .
17 The Office is currently considering the establishment of a computer-readable data archive ( CRDA ) , and although it has few answers to the problems facing the world archival community in such matters , I hope that it is in the position to ask some interesting questions .
18 Umbrella organizations like the Association of British Travel Agents ( ABTA ) , founded in 1950 , and the World Tourism Organization ( WTO ) based in Madrid , monitor and help the industry and its consumers .
19 However , the world tourism market is fiercely competitive and becoming ever more so with the countries of Eastern Europe now opening up as holiday destinations .
20 The European Year of Tourism officially ended at a conference in Budapest , at which the HCIMA presented and participated in the workshop on training and management along with a few others , including the President of the Committee for Vocational training in Germany and the Deputy Secretary of the World Tourism Organisation .
21 In fact it has been known since the late 1950s ( see for example Nature , vol. 208 , p 423 ) that Po is widely distributed in the environment , and in man , as a result of atmospheric fall-out of the decay products of natural radon-222 , with an abundance in northern temperate latitudes of about 0.06 curie per sq.km or of the order of 10 6 curies in total over the surface of the world land mass .
22 The former holder of the world land speed rapping record ( 'til Curve 's mate JC001 half-inched it ) Freddy 's spent the last couple of years in the US working on his next LP .
23 May was chosen because the World Chief Guide , Lady Baden- Powell , visited Uruguay in that month .
24 Casey did nothing without reason , and his reason was to keep the world safe from Communists ; subsidiary principle was often unnecessary .
25 As Laurence Martin has said : ‘ It is impossible to refute entirely the criticism that the various strategies of limitation may appear to make the world safe for nuclear warfare and thereby hasten its onset ’ ; but he concluded : ‘ The proper question may therefore be not , should we contemplate limited nuclear war , but , should we consider the ways of limiting the nuclear war which is henceforth always a possibility ’ ( Howard , 1979 , pp. 119 and 120 ) .
26 The Soviet Union also considers the might of her Armed Forces ( and in particular her nuclear arsenal ) instrumental in this endeavour to make the world safe for ideological struggle .
27 But a curious deterrence this , which aims to restrain states only to unleash peoples , to intensify rather than mitigate conflict and make the world safe for revolution rather than order .
28 Senator Moynihan 's topical theme is how to make the world safe for , but also from , ethnicity .
29 Suppose — to take the clearest example , which would make what I believe to be the nature of the world fall to the ground like a pack of cards — that there was a resurrection .
30 These alarming statistics , published in the World Vision magazine , have prompted members of the USA 's United Church of Christ ( UCC ) to bring the issue of Third World tobacco markets to the attention of the UCC constituency and other Church organisations .
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