Example sentences of "the time by " in BNC.

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1 It was in 1761 , that he first wrote an account of one of the Salons , which was circulated with his other correspondence in the fashion of the time by his friend Grimm .
2 He whiled away the time by contemplating the stained glass lancet windows behind the preacher and the holy table .
3 I think if you do n't do that , you 'll very easily become over-influenced at the time by the fact that it is a crisis you 're dealing with .
4 They are reinforcing all the time by both air and sea .
5 Jack avoided being a witness to these scenes much of the time by residing in college .
6 ( Ironically , the idea was rejected at the time by almost everyone , fearing for their sovereignty .
7 I had forgotten to bring anything to read with me , so I passed the time by staring thoughtfully at the emptiness around me , sipping a glass of water and making up Scandinavian riddles —
8 Below that there were the texts of very bad but sincere poems published in newspapers of the time by worker poets in honour of Stalin and Gottwald .
9 The selection of Mr Taylor , 39 , was challenged at the time by a section of the local Tory party , with Mr Bill Galbraith , a 55-year-old publisher , leading the criticism with a reference to the candidate as ‘ a bloody nigger ’ .
10 ’ An absentee also included anyone who was a Palestinian citizen and left his ordinary place of residence in Palestine for a place outside Palestine before 1 September 1948 , or for a place in Palestine held at the time by forces which sought to prevent the establishment of the State of Israel or which fought against it after its establishment . ’
11 Whatever the merits of the arguments against Mr Soley 's proposal for a Select Committee in place of the Commissioner , they are much less convincing when applied to the more modest proposal put forward at the time by the SDP that there could be a Select Committee confining itself to the Commissioner 's report ‘ so that in turn it would report and give some reality to parliamentary accountability ’ .
12 ‘ Not only do we measure the movement by the time , but also the time by the movement , because they define each other .
13 The South Devon of the period , in South Africa , was still able to provide milk and draught power as well as beef and proved a good match for the local Africanders , especially the lighter-coated animals which tended to develop dark muzzles ( disliked at the time by English breeders who preferred a dark red , woolly type with a light muzzle ) .
14 Yet it is remarkable , on the other hand , how morally unmoved the British hierarchy in India seems to have been at the time by civil disobedience : if British officials found it morally painful to see Indians breaking the law and suffering for it , by and large they succeeded in keeping the fact to themselves .
15 She told me that in the first dreadful night , when she and John stayed in the hospital , she had tried to soothe the time by the old paper game of making words out of words .
16 Then our hostess appeared on a terrace higher still , put a large telescope to her eye , and read the time by the clock on the town tower .
17 It was n't an ideal situation , but it was educational provision of a sort , and local people thought that was better than nothing at all which was what the girl was being offered at the time by the authorities .
18 The difficulty is that the letters written at the time by Wordsworth , while full of references to ‘ God ’ and ‘ fortitude ’ , can hardly be described as pious .
19 You must learn to ‘ fly the tail ’ all the time by using the rudder stick .
20 Imagination from other viewpoints depends on my having already perceived something analogous from the then present and my own , and is undernourished if I was distracted at the time by consideration of the future or of others .
21 The last atrocity had been claimed at the time by the Ulster Freedom Fighters with the explanation that it was in retaliation for a bomb which the Provisional IRA had exploded in an army bus in England seven days earlier , killing twelve men , women and children .
22 So if you have got your way some of the time by being aggressive and forceful , when you try a more considerate approach you will feel insecure .
23 Comment : Indirect questions are used all the time by people who need their status boosting through being given buckets of approval , or who are looking for a reason for punishing other people should they not fall in with the anticipated scenario .
24 Walton had not met him , but interviewed his surviving friends ; the Life was written with the object of improving the standards of the clergy of the time by describing a golden age before the Civil War in which the aristocratic Herbert had renounced a brilliant career at university and at Court for the vocation of a country parson .
25 He was used to such things , and he had been able to pass the time by fulfilling an old ambition , to read Edward Gibbon 's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire in the original English .
26 Dr West was supported at the time by Professor Keith Mant , who is now retired .
27 When the bell sounded and the ghost figures pitched from the huts to form the lines at the Kitchen , he remained , his attention held all the time by the upper strands of wire and the topmost line of the wooden knee .
28 Although we had been in the land of constant daylight for several days , the sun had been hidden for much of the time by high cloud .
29 Until more interesting work was available he felt he had no option but to keep the men in his charge fully occupied and if it meant using eight men to undertake a task which could be accomplished in a fraction of the time by a machine , well — the men were n't going anywhere .
30 Or the little portable sundials which shepherds used to carry up into the mountains to tell the time by ; or , a last reassuringly bucolic reminder that Bayonne 's fighting days are over , an English bayonet from the Napoleonic wars converted for stripping corn-cobs .
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