Example sentences of "the [det] as " in BNC.

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1 Her slogan is : ‘ we aim to create the arts as a service for the many as opposed to a luxury for the few ’ .
2 In Kenya , a member of a research institute , with a brief to find technology relevant to both formals and informals , could still describe the latter as mainly ‘ layabouts ’ in 1989 .
3 There are ‘ thin film ’ and ‘ thick film ’ materials , the former being generally described as intumescent paint and the latter as intumescent mastics .
4 In order to explain latent inhibition in terms of the habituation of the OR it is clearly necessary to interpret the latter as being some central response , the evocation of which is necessary for speedy conditioning .
5 Librarianship textbooks sometimes draw a distinction between ‘ select bibliographies ’ and ‘ guides to the literature ’ , defining the latter as providing a discussion of the structure of the subject literature and bibliographical examples , rather than a full set of references .
6 Previously they treated the latter as a special topic , now it is integrated into the chapters on alcohols and arenes .
7 We also considered sparks and split-anode magnetrons , especially the latter as their geometry would allow large input power if oxide-coated cathodes could be used .
8 ln the latter as operation may simply be a matter of conforming to standard practices established by collective experience over time .
9 We might refer to the former as ‘ classroom-oriented research ’ ( see Seliger and Long 1983 ) and the latter as ‘ classroom-centred research ’ ( see Allwright 1983 ) .
10 I think it is helpful to think of the latter as debtor ( creditor-supplier ) agreements since this emphasizes the fact that in such agreements there is some connection between the creditor and the supplier : either they are the same person eg in the credit-sale , conditional sale , of HP agreement ; or there are business arrangements between them .
11 I see the latter as symbolic of a process which has been described variously as ‘ attribution ’ or ‘ definition ’ .
12 Distinguishing between personal identity , ‘ the perception of selfsameness and continuity of one 's existence in time and space and the perception of the fact that others recognise one 's sameness and continuity , and ego identity , he defines the latter as ,
13 But grammarians intent on prescribing rules of correct usage preferred he over they and stigmatised the latter as incorrect .
14 The histories of science and social science demonstrate that empiricism is not so easily applicable to the latter as to the former .
15 Clearly they can not accommodate both Taylor and Williams , but Alec Evans is though to fancy the latter as captain , having previously been impressed with him playing club rugby in Queensland .
16 Its characterisation as ‘ slow journalism ’ , or the view of the latter as instant sociology , are both apt .
17 To regard the latter as systematically oppressing madness and forcing it to the margins — to literature , or the hospital — is simply to repeat , in reverse , the very structure that is being criticized .
18 In recognition of this fact , there has been a significant entrance of women into mainstream media — much more in western than in Third World countries , but to a noticeable extent in the latter as well .
19 The former were counted as ‘ middle class ’ and the latter as ‘ working class ’ .
20 Where their interests overlapped with the Maud Committee they reached similar conclusions , and we may concentrate on the latter as dealing in greater detail with the concerns of this chapter .
21 Baldwin had the support of the Chief Whip ( Leslie Wilson ) ; the Chairman of the Party ( Younger ) ; the Chief Agent ; Salisbury and Derby , the Party 's two principal territorial magnates , although the latter as always was a little hesitant ; the majority of Conservative junior ministers ; a substantial but uncounted number of backbenchers ; and the editor of The Times .
22 Indeed Leavis repudiates the latter as tending
23 Between four and six episodes was Verity Lambert 's ideal length for a story , preferring the latter as it gave more opportunity for character development which , in her belief , audiences appreciated .
24 The CNAA has always embodied a mixed , bureaucratic-collegial model of regulation , but the emphasis seems now to be moving towards the latter as its validation role declines .
25 Sow the seed in early to mid-spring , or late summer , preferably the latter as viability falls rapidly , outdoors where they are to grow — chervil does not do well if transplanted .
26 The former process is seen as cultural production , the latter as merely instrumental .
27 If , as is sometimes done , things are assimilated to events , we can speak of particulars as events , and of the latter as being " temporal " in the sense that every event exhibits a pattern of change in some direction , and can be said to occur simultaneously with , or before , or after , some other event .
28 In his later asylums at Gloucester ( 1811 ) and Dundee ( 1812 ) , Stark himself adopted markedly less institutionalized concepts , the former being planned as a crescent set in gardens and the latter as a domestically scaled rural farm .
29 His parents , Waldrave Lodwick and Judith Roussel , were married in the French church , London , on 14 May 1616 , the former being described as a native of ‘ Belle ’ ( Bailleul ) , Flanders , and the latter as born in London .
30 Care must be exercised in introducing the latter as evidence of marine abrasion , as in many parts of the coast the beach material is derived from the erosion of cliffs of incoherent material already containing rounded or partially rounded stones .
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