Example sentences of "busy [pron] " in BNC.

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31 Ben looked about him , then left the bundled rabbit on the wide stone step outside and busied himself .
32 He walked round the back of the car and busied himself with the boot .
33 Across from him Chen busied himself at his wife 's side , preparing the meal .
34 ‘ Mr Connon , ’ he said as he busied himself with the kettle and the jar of instant coffee , ‘ I did n't really have a chance last night to explain myself to you very fully .
35 Auguste busied himself checking the stuffing , unable to get to the root of his unease .
36 Instead , he busied himself about his parish duties .
37 Had n't he taken a day off to go fishing , while Adam busied himself with prospective clients ?
38 Fen did n't even bother to look at her but instead busied himself pulling curtains across the cabin windows .
39 The driver sat drumming his fingers nervously on the steering wheel while the attendant busied himself filling the tank , checking the oil and radiator , and wiping the windscreen .
40 The Commander busied himself with his coffee cup : it clinked against his saucer as he picked it up .
41 The Careys were also in attendance : Lady Carey glowered whilst her husband busied himself at the far end of the room , totally ignoring our existence .
42 Kathleen swallowed a lump in her throat , Ben coughed discreetly and Jack busied himself at the X-ray box .
43 Athelstan busied himself arranging his writing tray on the table .
44 The coroner busied himself around the house .
45 Even if unemployment is only part of the problem , it seems to me that the man who can busy himself cutting peats , or growing crops , or handling stock , is less likely to be depressed , less likely to feel that his life has no meaning , than a man who has empty days to fill in the back streets of an industrial town
46 That done , he can busy himself getting the Uruguay round 's warring parties back to the negotiating table .
47 Kemalpasazade sought the advice of Mueyyedzade who counselled him to feign acceptance of Hacihasanzade 's proposal ; and when , on the next day , the latter petitioned the sultan , Bayezid II , to appoint Kemalpasazade to a kadilik , Mueyyedzade intervened , speaking highly of Kemalpasazade 's abilities and asking that he not be wasted in a kadilik but rather that he be given the vacant Taslik medrese so that he might busy himself with the pursuit of learning .
48 Lord Joseph has been interested in the causes of poverty for a long time : as a young man he joined the Howard League for Penal Reform as well as a Quaker group which busied itself about improving the social conditions of the poor .
49 His mind busied itself automatically with dating and placing this unachieved dialogue with an unidentified woman .
50 His mind busied itself with images of what this news could do to his investigation if it ever became public ; the newspaper headlines ; the half-amused speculation of the cynics ; the crowds of sightseers , the superstitious , the credulous , the genuine believers , thronging the church in search of … what ?
51 On the political right the fourth estate busied itself in a revived version of the old Chamberlain protectionist pipedream of Empire Unity , as now expounded by the press lords Rothermere and Beaverbrook .
52 She could busy herself in the garden till then .
53 He reached for the CV while Catherine Crane busied herself systematically with her papers .
54 While Mary Ann busied herself in the kitchen , and the uncommunicative Emily disappeared , he took in his surroundings .
55 Franca naturally busied herself with genuine tasks , of which there were always plenty .
56 The woman busied herself in the kitchen and produced a plate piled high like a cairn with potatoes , and a huge pot of tea , and then resumed her knitting by the fire opposite her husband .
57 She busied herself with some clothes .
58 Two hours later she returned , busied herself in the kitchen and then produced a huge plate loaded with fish and potatoes , and a mammoth pot of tea .
59 She busied herself with putting on her glasses .
60 She took the double saucepan from the rack and the packet of oats from the cupboard and busied herself , not looking at him .
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