Example sentences of "thereby enable " in BNC.

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1 In some of these clocks different pieces of incense gave off different aromas , thereby enabling those with sensitive noses to tell the approximate time .
2 Borehole break-outs have been found to give an indication of stress anisotropy thereby enabling the fracture orientation to be predicted .
3 These problems , and those which surround the major role-reversal , frequently remain unconsidered and undiscussed within families , thereby enabling problems to grow until they reach the stage of ‘ granny bashing ’ or ‘ granny dumping ’ when care is withdrawn , and even family breakdown occurs .
4 Darrow and Govan were the first to identify with any certainty which ions were lost in diarrhoea and the quantities involved , thereby enabling them to state accurately the required make-up of an intravenous infusion aimed at replacing lost nutrients .
5 I hope that this book provides others with insights , thereby enabling a scientific consensus to emerge .
6 By lowering the height of the wall , and thereby enabling it to be built more thickly , it could be made more effective in both defence and counter-attack .
7 In that case Lord Denning argued that the Court of Appeal should issue guidelines similar to those of the House of Lords in the 1966 Practice Statement , thereby enabling the Court of Appeal to depart from its own previous decision where the decision was wrong ; in other circumstances it would hold itself bound by Young v. Bristol Aeroplane Co .
8 Within the union , therefore , Scargill 's call was for solidarity , for those with more readily-guaranteed futures to support other miners ' prospects which were less bright , especially so if the NCB could capitalize on splits and other weaknesses within the NUM , thereby enabling it to isolate vulnerable areas .
9 As the population grew land rents soared , multiplying sixfold between Emancipation and the turn of the century , thereby enabling the nobility to cream off and fritter away a huge surplus from peasant labour .
10 One obvious reason for the persistence of pronounced regional anomalies on this scale is the fact that the guidance contained in the 1976 Act still affords massive scope for the exercise of discretion by magistrates , thereby enabling different policies to be pursued in individual court areas .
11 His current research is extending into a study of how teachers ' own writing about classroom processes makes explicit their implicit educational values , thereby enabling these values to be critically appraised by other teachers , and to be opened for further development .
12 The Report stressed the need for a nationally recognized form of certification and recommended the establishment of an autonomous body for vocational courses in art and design whose validating functions should resemble those of TEC and BEC , thereby enabling it where necessary to devise suitable courses as well as receiving submissions from colleges .
13 A notable event in the year was the re-introduction of an advanced course in Physics , which offers students the option of studying both Physics and Chemistry for a full two years , thereby enabling our BSc Honours graduates with degrees in Biology or Biochemistry and Education to teach all of the three major science subjects in their subsequent careers as secondary school teachers .
14 Over the last few years work has been carried out on using machine readable dictionaries as a source of linguistic knowledge ( Amsler , 1981 ) , ( Boguraev & Briscoe , 1987 ) — thereby enabling the production of a large vocabulary lexicon for considerably less effort than was previously required .
15 It reportedly took until May 21 for the Japanese and South Korean governments to agree a mutually acceptable form of words for the apology , thereby enabling Roh 's visit to take place .
16 The Johannesburg city council on Jan. 30 , 1990 , approved a recommendation that trading areas in the city should be open to all races , thereby enabling blacks to own business property and to operate businesses anywhere in Johannesburg .
17 The other advantages inherent in the strategy were that ( i ) it enabled the allied forces to capitalise on their superior mobility and air power by minimizing the possibility of becoming bogged down in a static war ; ( ii ) it made the allies less vulnerable to attack by chemical weapons , as such weapons were most easily used from a static defensive position against an enemy engaged in a frontal assault ; ( iii ) it offered the possibility of cutting off all forces within Kuwait and southern Iraq — including the Republican Guard — thereby enabling the allies to destroy Iraq 's military capability in addition to liberating Kuwait ; and ( iv ) it meant that the allies would capture a swathe of Iraqi territory , a potentially useful lever in the event of the negotiation and implementation of ceasefire conditions .
18 Accordingly , it is agreed that the smaller company will make a share exchange offer for the larger company , which , hopefully , will result in 90 per cent acceptances from the larger company 's shareholders and the implementation of the compulsory sale procedures , thereby enabling the smaller company to obtain 100 per cent control .
19 We 're calling upon the G M B to incorporate environmental training and awareness in health and safety courses , thereby enabling our safety reps to address the issues with their employers , and stress the need to establish environmental policies .
20 I think we all feel we would like more central capital funding , but without it , it 's quite proper that we make er the best of use of the , of the assets we 've got , and we were n't using all our estate as effectively as we might , so for the last few years , we 've had a very vigorous programme of identifying land and buildings that are no longer required , and putting them on the market and thereby enabling us to build new facilities .
21 When love comes to a man in the form of grace he has the assurance that he is accepted , and is thereby enabled to experience self-integration once more , and the feeling of being reunited with others .
22 Free debate , free choice and genuine consent require , then , a level of education ( which may not be a formal education ) in social understanding such that people are aware of themselves as the targets of persuasion and propaganda , and are thereby enabled to resist these pressures .
23 This identification and sense of hope are technically possible in the home situation or in hospital but here is a serious risk that family members or medical and nursing staff will , by their own concerned actions intended to help the sufferer to eat , actually thereby enable the addictive disease to continue : there are few hinge the disease likes more than getting other people ( rather than the primary sufferer ) to take responsibility .
24 Her main motive was simple : to retrieve the ring and thereby enable Rick to make peace with his family .
25 Develop a formal plan : set objectives and policies in relation to the achievement of organisational goals and thereby enable the effective and efficient deployment of resources .
26 Dates for this year were already booked but much work is going on in the background to see how possible it is to reduce the number of reunions and thereby enable members to meet more old friends .
27 We happen to know from the historian Livy that a city called Morgantina was settled by the Romans with a group of Spaniards who were fighting on their side in Sicily , after they had captured it from the Carthaginians in 211BC , and the coins thereby enabled the site to be identified as that of Morgantina .
28 MAS should always attempt to draft heads of agreement as this thereby enables us to control the transaction .
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