Example sentences of "rename [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Following the Aug. 8 annexation Iraq initiated a programme to rename Kuwaiti towns and institutions .
2 She is a Rhodesian Ridgeback by breed and I resist the urgings of trendy ideologues who would rename these dogs which were used for lion hunting in East Africa .
3 Just to confuse matters they have decided to rename all their products .
4 Nigel : I know — maybe we should rename nuclear power .
5 * RENAME 6.3.6
7 The Physical Sciences Division was renamed Technical Information , to reflect better the requirements of industrial users and the services that the SSL planned to offer .
8 BAIE 's Midlands region has been renamed Central region as part of a new programme aimed at generating more interest among members .
9 As my right hon. Friend the Member for Birmingham , Sparkbrook ( Mr. Hattersley ) said this afternoon , any passenger who encourages and any driver who recklessly drives causing injury or damage is guilty of reckless driving , which was renamed dangerous driving in the Road Traffic Act 1991 and is liable to two years imprisonment .
10 Subsequently , he achieved a modified synthesis of the vitamin , which he had renamed ascorbic acid .
11 In the former case , we need make no adjustment but the figures are renamed domestic product , income and expenditure .
12 On the passenger side InterCity was taken out first ; then all the London-commuter-belt services were grouped to form London & South East ( later renamed Network SouthEast ) ; finally , everything left over formed Other Provincial Services ( later renamed Provincial ) .
13 All Saints Church had been erected in 1876–8 , but after being damaged during World War II , it was demolished and most of its parish was combined with that of St Barnabas so that the latter church was renamed All Saints and St Barnabas .
14 At the time of the alleged fraud , MPL was ultimately controlled by FKI Babcock plc , since renamed FKI plc .
15 Ratification was also given for the inclusion of the recently renamed Irish Division in the Rules & Regulations of the Institute .
16 Increasingly these fluoride-releasing materials are being renamed glass-polyalkenoate cement .
17 Now renamed Ecological Advisory Service , service has been recognised in the Birthday Honours List by the award of the M B E. His service can be summed up in his own words .
18 The former HCIMA Cambridge branch was renamed Mid Anglia branch .
19 After the numerous alterations the palazzo was renamed several times , becoming the Palazzo Nationale of the Cisalpine Republic and the Palazzo Reale , the royal palace , property of the Crown , following unification .
20 Later , he also became Minister of Defence of the republic ( renamed Russian Federation in January 1992 ) .
21 The Holy Childhood — one of the Pontifical Mission Societies — is now renamed Missionary Children with the slogan ‘ Children Helping Children ’ .
22 Party to be renamed next week .
23 NeXTstep 486 is renamed NeXT step Pentium .
24 Deep anaphors , on the other hand , take their meaning directly from an element of the content-based representation , or mental model , and are renamed model-interpretive anaphora .
25 General Christison in overall command insisted that no more Dutch troops should come in , while the Dutch civil affairs units ( NICA ) were demilitarised , placed under British control , and renamed Allied Military Administration .
26 The consortium founded a company , Mistral Computer Systems Ltd , picking up Whitechapel 's MIPS R2000-based Hi-Tech 10 workstation along the way , which it prettied-up and renamed Mistral-20 ( a MIPS R3000 20MHz , 8Mb system ) .
27 However , Buddhist teaching was not applied to fish , which became the main source of protein in the Japanese diet ; and whales were regarded as fish When eating houses renamed forbidden deer and boar meat ‘ mountain whale ’ , the Japanese knew that eating whale meat was likely to stay .
28 The HCIMA Bibliography now renamed Current Awareness Bulletin of Hospitality Management , contains abstract from over 60 journals from the trade press giving a broad overview of development in the hospitality industry .
29 Microsoft Corp is expected to introduce a new version of Microsoft C/C++ , renamed Visual C++ , this quarter : now in beta test , Visual C++ includes Visual Workbench — a Windows-based development environment — foundation class libraries , App Studio — an editor which alters bit maps , dialogue boxes and cursors — as well as debuggers and browsers .
30 The establishment of Soviet democracy placed state power in the hands of the working masses , led by the Bolshevik ( in 1918 renamed Communist ) party .
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