Example sentences of "restrain from " in BNC.

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1 Towards the end of the last century a Chicago physician , Dr Alice Stockham , advocated the practice of coitus reservatus in which a man inserts his erect penis into a partner 's vagina but restrains from ejaculating .
2 Try to restrain from being the centre of attention by constantly talking .
3 Her property was her separate property ( that is , separate from her husband , so that only a married woman could have such property ) , and , by means of a settlement , she could be restrained from anticipating it .
4 Both men had leapt to their feet and had been restrained from using violence by the mates of the shop steward , who just happened to be on hand .
5 The Inhabitants ( of the forest of Waltham ) were restrained from commoning with sheep as contrary to the forest laws during the reign of the late King Henry VIII … and of all other preceding Kings who took delight and pleasure in hunting .
6 The Nez Perce were restrained from joining the conflict by Lawyer and Old Joseph , though frequent outrages perpetrated by troops made up of Oregon volunteers increased support for the war faction under Old Looking Glass .
7 Those who came from more or less stable families were generally restrained from the wilder flights of liberty by parental influence , an influence reinforced by the economic advantages of continuing to live at home .
8 Lots are drawn to see which lucky members will have a horse or pony to compete on , and the excited youngsters have to be forcibly restrained from arriving at the stables before 5am and disturbing the local residents with their assiduous preparations .
9 I found that moderate slip angles produce no nasty consequences , but was restrained from further experimentation with the admonition that the aircraft describes what sounds like a brisk departure into a fast outside flick roll with the nose going hard down to exceed its negative-g limit .
10 If wood is physically restrained from shrinking when it wants to do so it will split , because it has almost no tensile strength across the grain .
11 If it is physically restrained from swelling when it wants to swell , very considerable pressures are built up .
12 He was restrained from completing the undesirable behaviour of getting into their bed .
13 This is the central theme of my thesis — how men quarrel in terms of their customary allegiances , but are restrained from violence through other conflicting alliances which are also enjoined on them by custom .
14 He was only restrained from burning it to the ground by Harcourt , who urged him to ‘ be a little less impetuous and content yourself with what you have done ’ .
15 She felt herself restrained from such freedom .
16 Perhaps he really did want to cut loose and was restrained from so doing by Maman , who would have regarded it as disloyal .
17 This conclusion was based on the premises that ( 1 ) it is the duty of the national court to ensure the legal protection which persons derive from the direct effect of a provision of Community law ; ( 2 ) article 30 was such a provision ; ( 3 ) if Wickes is right that section 47 of the Act of 1950 is incompatible with article 30 , it has a current right to open its stores for Sunday trading , and it is the duty of the national court to protect that right ; ( 4 ) in the absence of an undertaking in damages , Wickes will have been restrained from opening on Sundays , without any right to compensation ; ( 5 ) there is no need for this purpose to assess the strength of Wickes ' challenge to section 47 on the basis of article 30 , it being enough that the challenge is not without foundation : see [ 1991 ] 3 W.L.R. 985 , 993 , per Dillon L.J. , and pp. 999–1000 , per Mann L.J .
18 On that occasion , although one of them only was present , both counsel and solicitor were in court acting on their behalf , and I find it very difficult to accept that neither counsel nor solicitor at the conclusion of the hearing explained in the clearest terms to the second appellant precisely what it was that she and the first appellant were to be restrained from doing .
19 ‘ ( a ) It is accepted that no civil court ‘ has any power to decide in a manner which would bind a criminal court that evidence of any kind is admissible or inadmissible in that court ’ ( per Lord Wilberforce in the Rank case [ 1982 ] A.C. 380 , 442f ) and that restrictions embodied in the order of the civil court would not bind ‘ an English criminal court … from admitting the information in evidence at a trial : ’ per Lord Fraser of Tullybelton , at p. 446e. ( b ) However it is different if the prosecutor is personally restrained from placing the information before the criminal court , because in that scenario no question of admissibility arises .
20 Thus when the bank has actual or constructive notice of the exercise of undue influence it will be restrained from enforcing the charge .
21 As a result , the creditor bank is affected by the unconscionable actions of the husband and will be restrained from recovering more than the £60,000 which they have already received .
22 It included a memorandum from David Tait , in charge of American operations — and originally a Fields appointee — urging that Fields ‘ be restrained from any further involvement in Virgin Atlantic 's North American operation ’ .
23 Do they claim authority simply on the basis of electoral victory to do as they please , including changing the constitutional framework , or do they find themselves restrained from so acting by certain fundamental principles ?
24 The minorities of today are kept happy by the prospect of a brighter tomorrow : the present majority is restrained from abusing power by the thought that it will be defeated at some subsequent election .
25 More importantly , Soviet diplomats have by and large restrained from trying to cultivate political ties with groups considered unacceptable to the government in question and , when accused of doing so , have apologised and made every effort to smooth over the situation , in dramatic contrast to the vehement denials and abusive tirades which any such allegation elicited in the 1930s .
26 Sheepdogs are difficult to teach to drive the flock away from the shepherd — the dog has to be restrained from its desire to circle round and drive them back .
27 If a creditor has levied and completed execution the debentureholders can not compel him to restore the money , nor , until the charge has crystallised , can he be restrained from levying execution .
28 If you are restrained from doing something , then there is often some force that prevents you .
29 Such thinking was behind the absurd argument that the police should be restrained from giving hot pursuit to stolen cars , and it also lay behind much of the nit-picking objection to the Bill that we heard from the right hon. Member for Sparkbrook .
30 I got my Chelsea ticket through the post and had to be restrained from ripping it up by my girlfriend .
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