Example sentences of "speed up " in BNC.

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1 Mashing , boiling and fermentation are often speeded up in large breweries using such devices as continuous fermentation and high gravity brewing , both of which produce standardised bland beers of mediocre quality .
2 Sir David acknowledged a demand for political reforms to be speeded up , but hedged on how far Britain would go in backing them .
3 By November 1944 , only the Bristol 167 and the Type 2 aircraft , the twin-engine Airspeed 67 , had gone much past the preliminary design stage , and the Brabazon Committee warned that the five new types would face obsolescence if their development were not speeded up .
4 Adjustment will be speeded up if we can strengthen the time-cues in the new time zone .
5 THE 12 Community governments have speeded up implementation of rules to create their barrier-free market but are still far behind schedule , the Commission said yesterday .
6 THE 12 Community governments have speeded up implementation of rules to create their barrier-free market but are still far behind schedule , the Commission said yesterday .
7 It may be speeded up , a spokesman added .
8 In 1985 free in-credit banking was reintroduced , but to off-set these costs the programme for electronic banking was speeded up .
9 Officials say that unless this can be speeded up , it will take up to three years before the detention centres can be emptied of their present populations .
10 Its rapid post-war development was based upon its close association with trade unionism , already firmly established before 1914 , and it seems likely that the First World War simply speeded up the process of political change .
11 Most obviously , its rising trade-union support ensured that it was to become the party of the working class , a process which was speeded up by the split within the Liberal Party during the First World War .
12 FRONT COVER : Jonathan Tomlinson 's home-built 250hp tractor has speeded up silaging on the family livestock farm at Holt , Wrexham , and for contract work .
13 It can be argued that mass communications have simply speeded up the whole process of change enormously , rather than imposed a massive and rigid uniformity .
14 Every reaction on a metabolic chart is speeded up by an enzyme .
15 A round of modifications has speeded up Stars & Stripes for the fourth round of trials .
16 The legal process , when invoked , has to be speeded up in the interests of the child .
17 And we have speeded up the benefits of revaluation for those businesses who gain from it .
18 Beneficial development will be speeded up , damaging development checked and the green belt safeguarded .
19 Very chronic problems can be speeded up by applying the same solution as that taken by mouth , externally to the back , thighs and lower legs .
20 As most of the noise from an engine is from the fan this gives the impression that the engine has speeded up .
21 Expropriations were to be speeded up and the land settlements were to become new reform units , with wider criteria for membership , thus increasing the number of beneficiaries .
22 Whereas the railways in the past had been an integral part of the cityscape , running down main streets , leaving in their wake a succession of railroad crossings on the classic American street grid plan , by the turn of the century they were already disappearing behind fences , into cuttings , or underground , a process which was to be speeded up in the years leading to the First World War .
23 Fashions in dress and diet , ceremonies and customs , art and architecture , engineering and technology , all evolve in historical time in a way that looks like highly speeded up genetic evolution , but has really nothing to do with genetic evolution .
24 As with any training or fitness work , the process can never be speeded up without cutting corners .
25 Because the cells move very slowly the process is best seen when speeded up in a time-lapse film .
26 One frame of the film is exposed every six seconds and if the film is then shown at 24 frames a second , the motion is speeded up 144 times and provides a dramatic picture of the cells ' behaviour .
27 Now , inexplicably , just as he was about to reach his goal , things had suddenly speeded up .
28 The turn can be speeded up if you take a step back on the board and depress the windward rail .
29 Conceptually , what is offered is little more than an automated ‘ sieve mapping ’ that land-use planners have used for many years , but the whole procedure is speeded up by many orders of magnitude using GIS software .
30 This meant that there would be an inevitable reduction of the productive forces and ‘ in this way the process of expanded negative reproduction is greatly speeded up . ’
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