Example sentences of "establish themselves " in BNC.

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1 Now there is no guarantee that a career actually exists and Equity are not making it all any easier for the new young actors to establish themselves .
2 For many years , no outside organisation had been given permission by the Vietnamese government to establish themselves in their country .
3 Although one might suppose that the creation of a new party offers attractive opportunities for people previously excluded from local élites to establish themselves as leaders , it is often the case that such people do not obviously possess the right qualities .
4 The Conservatives now have six representatives on the local council , where they are the largest party , and desperately need a victory in North Down on Thursday to establish themselves in the province .
5 The third fact is that Paddy Ashdown 's Liberal Democrats have failed to establish themselves as a national political force .
6 Lomnitz has shown how squatters manipulate social networks to establish themselves in the city ( Lomnitz 1977 ) .
7 These results may also be seen as offering some tentative support to the contention that the greater flexibility now permitted in fee setting , coupled with the ability of architects to establish themselves in a wider variety of organisational forms and to advertise more freely , has essentially lubricated the market and led to greater efficiency .
8 Although excellent results may follow from sowings in March , yet in many districts the soil is then likely to be too wet and cold , particularly for the smaller seeded species like timothy , rough-stalked meadow-grass , white and alsike clovers to establish themselves satisfactorily .
9 Units which sought to establish themselves outside such a plan would not only not receive public money ; they would also not qualify for any other public benefits .
10 Since their premises are not open to the public , and they do not engage in retail trade , they are able to establish themselves in locations where overheads are cheaper .
11 However for pathogens to establish themselves in the human body they must be in the right place , in sufficient numbers and be sufficiently .
12 The pattern has usually been for such people to establish themselves as privileged representatives of a ‘ god ’ who has the power to punish or destroy those who do not conform to the rules which they , the privileged , have themselves formulated , but have attributed to the ‘ god ’ .
13 Nevertheless , in Danzig these policies took longer to establish themselves as specifically Nazi ideas because there were already several local political parties with a similar outlook , but with less ruthless and less violent leaders .
14 The ‘ co-decision ’ procedure applies to areas of law such as the single market , consumer protection , the free movement of labour and the right of individuals and companies to establish themselves in other member states .
15 The proposal on the Fifth Directive concerning the structure of public limited companies is based on Article 54 ( right for natural and legal persons to establish themselves freely in the Community ) .
16 We agree that what 's needed is a credible , punter-friendly security firm to establish themselves , offering bands and venues a less twisted and psychotic alternative …
17 The way was thereby opened for English merchants to establish themselves in the island , and William Bolton came to Madeira as an agent for Robert Heysham of London , who had a brother in Barbados to whom Bolton shipped a large quantity of wine .
18 I 'd give the back row another chance to establish themselves .
19 If these are removed before planting , then the plants will suffer and often fail to establish themselves .
20 This is of particular importance in an industry in which it is hard for new entrants to establish themselves , in view of the high costs of entry into the market .
21 It was odd , Lucinda thought , that men should be doing a job more suited to women , but this was a real ship , was n't it , on which , if Molly was to be believed , women had yet to establish themselves .
22 Alternatively , larvae which fail to establish themselves and are passed out in the faeces , may find another host and begin producing eggs .
23 ‘ Rock faces were being eroded and plants that had taken millions of years to establish themselves were being destroyed almost literally overnight , ’ the fount of wisdom continues .
24 We may expect new conventions governing syntactic combinations — in our example the Subject-Object-Verb complex — to establish themselves quickly in the evolving language of any group whose members are bright enough to tumble to the meanings of such innovations .
25 If it does turn out to be of general significance at a variety of scales it will imply that the increased environmental stress associated in some way with regressions promotes an increase in extinction rate and corresponding vacation of ecological niches , with a consequent opportunity for new species to establish themselves .
26 Alexander and Weber believe they have found the best way to establish themselves where they need to be .
27 Our participants had the clear perception that they also have powers within the classroom , conceived as a specific social setting , and they act to establish themselves and their powers .
28 The combination has impelled manufacturing and service enterprises in almost all sectors to search for larger markets abroad , and to establish themselves there in an ‘ insider position ’ ( Best , 1990 : p. 260 ; Milner and Yoffie , 1989 ) .
29 These fairly well made , attractive rugs possess an undoubted primitive charm ; but as they have yet to establish themselves in the Western market , one can do little more than make an educated guess as to their current prices and investment potential .
30 This run of Tory election victories over the 1950s prompted the speculation at the time that the Tories had managed to establish themselves as the ‘ natural party of government ’ .
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