Example sentences of "ten o'clock " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Sir Vivien often played a round before breakfast , ’ said Major Ernest ‘ Tiger ’ Bagshot , 43 , Secretary of Royal Wrigglesworth , ‘ But my suspicions were aroused when his black labrador , Bonzo , appeared at the clubhouse at approximately ten o'clock .
2 ‘ If Sir Vivien had reached the fifteenth green at the time of his abduction and Bonzo arrived in the clubhouse at ten o'clock , we can assume that Sir Vivien himself must have begun his round at , shall we say , about half past eight . ’
3 It was after ten o'clock .
4 Ten o'clock , time for a swim in the Arctic Ocean — well described as bracing — more coffee and then more sky watching .
5 ‘ At about ten o'clock on May 20th , ’ he began , ‘ a man driving a petrol tanker on the north to south highway of Stowerton by-pass saw a car overturned and in flames on the fast lane of the south to north track .
6 He stopped on the embankment , shaking with cold and shock , to note the spot , then fled along the tractor paths , the dog running with him , to the stables where the ten o'clock children 's ride was in its closing stages .
7 Miss Williams took him to meet the police Land Rover at the stable gate , a bone-thin , wiry woman in her late fifties , her expression sufficiently forbidding to prevent the parents , edging cars through the gate to collect children from the ten o'clock ride , from asking any questions .
8 Never mind that : at ten o'clock tomorrow we have Professor Thornton , distinguished economist , Oxford don and friend of the Prime Minister , here for five weeks to do a study on how effective regional assistance is , and we have no one to meet him .
9 I was in … oh , from about ten o'clock to well after lunch , and I would n't have thought she would come in late in the afternoon .
10 Miss Huntley claimed to have spent the Saturday by herself in and around her flat , doing a bit of shopping and cleaning before meeting a few friends — only one of whom appeared to have an address — and going on to a party around ten o'clock at night .
11 The stout , middle-aged men in black glasses do not appear until ten o'clock , with brief-cases or small leather bags .
12 I was called to the administration block of the hospital and later went to register the death , and to make an appointment with an undertaker — this was for ten o'clock the next morning .
13 Monday morning : it was nearly ten o'clock but so grey and overcast that the light was switched on in the kitchen in Marie 's house .
14 Finally , at just after ten o'clock by Rock Hardy , Stanley came back from the pub and Emily totted up the points .
15 It was almost ten o'clock .
16 It was ten o'clock and she had been ignoring it for half an hour .
17 ‘ If you ever ring me and you 're out on your own and it 's after ten o'clock , I 'm not coming to pick you up ’ — that 's what he told me .
18 At ten o'clock the gates were shut to prevent a sudden influx of new voters — anyone could leave , no one could enter .
19 By ten o'clock the town was only half-lit and many of the smaller back streets not at all .
20 LADISLAV arrived at the Olympik , promptly at ten o'clock .
21 She too would bestir herself ; there was still much to do , much ground to cover , and it was already ten o'clock on her fifth day .
22 Her absence was registered by Fru Møller at about ten o'clock and she did not mention it to anyone .
23 From about ten o'clock the bars and the street start to fill up .
24 Ten o'clock .
25 ‘ Though he took a lot at the ten o'clock feed . ’
26 He considered that he gave Modigliani a fair deal : ‘ He came to my shop about ten o'clock in the morning .
27 ‘ On both counts , I can be reasonably certain that death occurred around ten o'clock last night . ’
28 Ten o'clock ? ’
29 She was killed at about ten o'clock on Tuesday night . ’
30 At ten o'clock Morton put on full evening dress , and took a cab to the Beresfords ' mansion .
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