Example sentences of "shall see " in BNC.

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1 A firm basis for the study of Oriental art came more slowly , and as we shall see , some of the differences of approach between East and West still require wider recognition .
2 — Now you shall see , but take this by the way — He came home this Morning at his usual Hour of Four , waken 'd me out of a sweet Dream of something else , by tumbling over the Tea-table , which he broke all to pieces , after his Man and he had rowl 'd about the Room like sick Passengers in a Storm , he comes flounce into Bed , dead as a Salmon into a Fishmonger 's Basket ; his Feet cold as Ice , his Breath hot as a Furnace , and his hands and Face as greasy as his Flanel Night-cap. — O Matrimony !
3 — O the Pleasure of counting melancholly Clock by a snoring Husband ! — But now , Sister , you shall see how handsomely , being a well-bred Man , he will beg my Pardon .
4 Indeed it reverses the direction , as we shall see .
5 As we shall see , there is now a specifically created police culture of the dramatic , which incorporates illusion , praxis , and imagery as part of a well-directed social production .
6 One result of this constant paradox is that while the police make statements welcoming research and applaud intellectual debate , they strive to impose rigid control over a system of preferred rules and regulations to negate open enquiry , so that systems are quietly but firmly deployed to deny the critical approach — as we shall see .
7 ‘ And Moses and Aaron said unto all the children of Israel , At even , then ye shall know that the Lord hath brought you out from the land of Egypt : And in the morning , then ye shall see the glory of the Lord ; for that he heareth your murmurings against the Lord : and what are we , that ye murmur against us ?
8 A view which undoubtedly reached down through his family , as we shall see .
9 The first name was aimed at keeping the initial ‘ L ’ in line with family tradition ; the second was much more significant , relating to the family 's Jewish ethos and hopes , as we shall see .
10 The practice is at the back of all Leonard 's writing , poetry and especially his songs , as we shall see .
11 It had a marked effect on those who read his poetry , and a few years later Leonard was to find himself tutored by one of Pound 's most sympathetic admirers and directed to the understanding of the American 's verse , somewhat to Leonard 's concern , as we shall see .
12 It finds fuller expression in The Favourite Game in which he describes ‘ the divine idiot ’ — though not to his satisfaction , as we shall see . )
13 Their Jewish inheritance apart ( and no serious understanding of his music interests can afford not to give this a very high place , as we shall see ) , was formed by such artists as Eddie Fisher , Gordon Jenkins , Vaughan Monroe , Patti Page , Dinah Shore , Frank Sinatra , Tony Bennett and Johnny Ray , who followed in the wake of the big bands .
14 We shall see Leonard likewise being ‘ diverted ’ from pure poetic concentration in order to achieve maximum hearing .
15 ( When Leonard came to write his second novel , he paid MacLennan the finest compliment of all — and the riskiest — by imitating his theme , as we shall see . )
16 But to the ‘ rebellion ’ ( which may have given rise to something far deeper , as we shall see ) we must add two further emphases which we have italicised .
17 Indeed , his treatment of this first book ( and we shall see that it is not very dissimilar from the others ) is a blatant piece of eisogesis — reading into ( as opposed to exegesis , out of ) the text what he wishes to see , or rather plant .
18 ( From which point we must not fail to understand the high importance of crypto-amnesiac inputs , as we shall see ) .
19 In Flowers for Hitler , pp 110ff , he published his ‘ The New Step ’ : a ballet-drama in one act ; and an involvement in film-making would help to sublimate it , as we shall see . )
20 Sainthood and mercy are entities of the most considerable sort in Leonard Cohen 's work , as we shall see .
21 The CTP proclaims that the link between the perceived object and the perception is just an ordinary bit of the great causal nexus of nature ( it needs to believe this , as we shall see presently ) and yet it is prepared to accept that this segment of the chain has a rather privileged status ; at the very least , that it has a beginning and an end .
22 Much of what the novelist wanted to say lay outside the murderer 's ken , and , as we shall see , Raskolnikov 's consciousness was in other , subtler ways too confining .
23 And not so Svidrigailov and Raskolnikov , both hyperconscious men , and both ( as we shall see ) linked by their condition to the city which Peter the Great pondered over and then ordered to be built .
24 Therefore it becomes possible at last to read and evaluate what was earnestly planned , executed , fought for , tinkered with in a vain attempt to propitiate Katkov ( but also , as we shall see , for another reason ) , and finally surrendered .
25 It is essential not to confound him with the greater Frederick II ( Hohenstaufen ) , holy Roman emperor from 1215 to 1250 , and before that ( 1198–1212 ) king of Sicily as Frederick I. For this great figure , author of The Book of the Falcon and a hero for Dante as well as Pound , is to figure portentously in the Thrones cantos to come as we shall see .
26 In a passage like this ( and there are several very like it , as we shall see ) , Pound 's interest in Aeneas is limited to the matter of his semidivine birth , how he was conceived by Aphrodite after she had assumed human form so as to lie with Anchises .
27 Here in Stuttgart today we shall see the final of an unofficial mini-Masters , the masters having taken a lucrative detour away from the pressures of the circuit .
28 We shall see what will happen later … until now nobody has tried such a method . ’
29 On a deeper level , however , as we shall see in later chapters , the identity category ‘ Catholic ’ is , for the majority of policemen and women , not an all-inclusive typification in which every Catholic is categorized alike .
30 This is true even in West Belfast , where , as we shall see , companionship amongst work colleagues is one response to the stress of policing , for part-time reserve police still ‘ moan ’ , as one regular described it , about the management and the regular police in the manner of Easton 's reserve force .
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