Example sentences of "allow yourself " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do n't find it particularly surprising that you allowed yourself to be seduced by her .
2 You will only be successful with weight control in the long term if you allow yourself to eat foods you enjoy as part of a well-balanced regime .
3 Allow yourself time for home thoughts from abroad .
4 Either way , expect to be fêted , fussed and fawned over this month — and for goodness ' sake allow yourself to enjoy it !
5 Spare yourself : allow yourself some time away from the patient each day , if possible , and organize longer breaks for holidays at intervals .
6 Allow yourself to relax .
7 If you are to achieve harmony of mind and body , allow yourself to feel joy in your own achievement without always having to feel that it must be better than someone else 's .
8 Next time you open a book , stroke a cat or dog or lie between cool sheets allow yourself to become aware of the texture and the temperature of what you touch .
9 Or sit for a while with your back against the trunk of a mature tree ( preferably an oak ) ; breathe deeply and allow yourself to merge , as it were , with the energies of the tree .
10 If you allow yourself to become fearful of certain chemicals and imagine that they are harming you , you will just be perpetuating the problems rather than solving them .
11 Just go and allow yourself to be taught by the site .
12 On the other hand you will be able to be much more objective and not allow yourself to be unduly influenced by personality when the fundamental qualifications and expertise are missing .
13 To shed surplus weight with the F-Plan , allow yourself a maximum of 1,500 calories a day and a minimum of 1,000 calories ( or less only if medically supervised ) a day .
14 Allow yourself 1,500 calories daily
15 Allow yourself 1,000 calories daily
16 The ribs will move back to their resting-place again as you allow yourself to breathe out .
17 Allow yourself to uncurl so that arms and legs are at rest , not curled up .
18 Allow yourself to breathe easily , gently and deeply .
19 Allow yourself to be surprised .
20 In that case , allow yourself to let go of that particular desire , and work towards another Dream .
21 Then allow yourself to be carried gently downstream , going with the flow .
22 Allow yourself to see it clearly .
23 Then allow yourself to merge with this aspect of yourself .
24 At least for the next few days , allow yourself to be more impulsive .
25 ( If necessary , allow yourself to become this sub-personality , and experience the hurt , sadness , anger or other emotions he or she is holding . )
26 You are a natural for taking on positions of power and authority but sometimes you act like a domestic Goat instead of the mountain variety and allow yourself to become tethered to some safe little post .
27 ‘ You try to achieve something and you never allow yourself to accept that failure will happen — yet if it does , that is totally acceptable .
28 Allow yourself to become open and spongy , soak up the atmosphere and objects in the room until you feel drenched by them .
29 It is refreshingly easy to overcome initial fears , however , if you are prepared to enter into the debate , and not allow yourself to take comments or criticisms personally when a student peers at you agog for carrying out what they see as an archaic approach .
30 But , above all , use colour because it feels right for you , be instinctive in your mixing , allow yourself to be compelled and inspired .
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