Example sentences of "early afternoon " in BNC.

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1 They had gained 14.2 points by early afternoon , but the market was thrown sharply into reverse by a forecast from a consultant to the stockbroker Barclays De Zoete Wedd that the market could fall to 2,100-2,200 by the end of the month and to 1,800 next year .
2 Poland 's official news agency PAP said Kohl flew home in the early afternoon .
3 IT 'S EARLY afternoon and the heat of the day hangs heavy in Rafiq 's humble mud-floored shop .
4 The washers were made by early afternoon and a site manager drove with them in his car to an RAF service depot in southern England .
5 When I 'm getting ready for a party — you know , you have a bath some time in the early afternoon or evening , you work out what to wear , you lay the things out on the bed that you vaguely know you look nice in , you roughly know what make-up suits you … well , that 's the point when I start thinking about my leg , and whether it will show .
6 The index had topped 3,231 in early afternoon trading .
7 The Footsie was sporting a 150-point rise at one stage early afternoon before the appearance of the odd profit-taker pushed prices back slightly .
8 ‘ But darlin' , the boys wanted tae see the engines , ’ Charlie McGhee protested as he struggled on to the bus with three suitcases and an early afternoon hangover .
9 Their calm , though , was shattered by the sudden explosion of a howitzer shell in the early afternoon of 11th July .
10 Class B1 No. 61094 passes beneath the former LD & EC viaduct remains at Horns Bridge as it approaches Chesterfield with the early afternoon train from Leicester which would be recessed at Chesterfield before forming the 16.20 departure for Sheffield .
11 When he realised that if he had company already then , she 'd stay away , Hector made sure that he was alone in the early afternoon .
12 Sittin' there from early afternoon till the church closed at night . ’
13 It was early afternoon of the following day before Karelius found the opportunity to be alone with her .
14 It therefore came as a shock in early afternoon when reports began to filter through of a massive disaster that had overtaken the centre on the Pratzen Heights .
15 By the early afternoon the inside of the house was finished .
16 The operation , originally planned for early afternoon , was re-scheduled and it was n't until quarter to six that she returned to the ward , still feeling groggy from the anaesthetic .
17 The gallery windows faced east and west , so only a pale token of early afternoon sun fell onto the statuette , which glowed duskily .
18 The route is then via Belgium and Germany to arrive in Zakopane the following early afternoon .
19 The regular work pattern normally features an early morning start to a shift ending around two pm. , or an early afternoon duty ending mid-evening .
20 The West Indies looked in control , chasing 102 for victory after a damp wicket and early afternoon rain delayed the start of play .
21 France is a predominantly Catholic country yet pornography is shown on television from early afternoon .
22 Silently , they walked past dozens of sprawled figures basking in the early afternoon sun until they came to a fairly quiet and deserted stretch of grass , beneath a plane tree .
23 1979 ; Wells 1981 ) have reported that the amount of talk by children and their caretakers varies , both in respect of the time of day ( more talk first thing in the morning and early afternoon ) and as a function of their familiarity with the process of being recorded ( less talk on the first day , compared with subsequent days ) .
24 I arrived at Annat in the early afternoon and was disappointed not to find any offers of refreshment on display .
25 There were other huts visible as outlines in the mist of early afternoon , but it was to the hut with the figure ‘ 2 ’ painted in yellow on the doorway that they were led .
26 As it was early afternoon there were no madding crowds , and she secured a first-class compartment to herself .
27 First official event took place during the early afternoon of April 25 , when a large number of people gathered at the memorial site dedicated to the RAF and Allied aircrew .
28 In the early afternoon , Allied reserve divisions and tanks passed through their comrades ' lines and by about 15.10 the ridge in its entirety was securely held and all objectives taken .
29 And in the early afternoon , and before the hurrying British reinforcements could reach the crossroads , the Prince 's wish was granted .
30 It was early afternoon but the sun was already low in the sky , the air as chilly as Dowd 's welcome .
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