Example sentences of "who sets " in BNC.

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1 On reflection , however , this may not be quite true , since anyone who sets out to plant a wildlife garden instinctively takes a much keener interest in , and is influenced by , natural plant associations and communities .
2 Any insider who sets out to pursue a reflexive anthropology of policing eventually has to face difficulties which arise when he reaches an objective and analytic understanding of his society and its own specific versions of reality .
3 It is rightly said of him that he was always a pedagogue , but he is a pedagogue in the courtly nineteenth-century mode of Professor Agassiz , who sets up the controlled experiment and invites us to participate in it , not in the hectoring and charismatic mode of the star of the lecture-hall .
4 It is less disconcerting to tackle the Rugby Union Yearbook , a glossy new annual edited by Mick Cleary who sets out to offer more words and less statistics than the respected Rothmans Rugby Union Yearbook .
5 At first I had suggested that I should keep her company but she dismissed the idea at once : ‘ I am not a child , and I refuse to be treated as one ’ , and I guessed she wanted to be alone rather as a young girl might who sets out to post an imaginary letter , hoping to meet on the way the person for whom she has made herself beautiful .
6 There are arguments in favour of this : death is final , murder is the gravest crime , and there is no significant moral difference between someone who chooses to cause really serious injury and someone who sets out to kill .
7 Archibald Higgins is an ever-curious adventurer who sets out to discover what the world is really like aided by a motley assortment of friends , including a blindfolded snail , a cockney pelican , and a shapely fairy godmother called Sophie .
8 Past : Jesus who came as a baby at Bethlehem ; the Messiah promised by God and long-awaited by his people ; the Lord who sets us free .
9 The classic example of this is the girl who sets two men fighting for her .
10 Everyone who sets out to attack a pensioner should know that if he is caught , he will go to prison for a long time .
11 The doctor who sets free trapped genius
12 Below left , top to bottom : JD , the sexy cowboy who sets Geena Davis on fire and then robs her blind in Thelma & Louise ; big quiffs , tatty underwear and exposed flesh in Johnny Suede ; big bucks and teen magazine centrefolds for Levi 's 501s
13 Reveals an insider : ‘ The series is based around a failed football star who sets up a celebrity limo service .
14 Nursing in context — who sets the standards ?
15 ‘ And he 'll tell you that each of us would-be Marines is one in a million — one in a billion — except for he who sets himself above the rest of his brothers ; and that one is less . ’
16 In this paper the measure of who sets the objective for the lawyer is used .
17 At this point Shakespeare brings back the Duke , disguised as a Friar , who sets in motion a complex plot involving several substitutions : of Mariana for Isabella , in Angelo 's bed ; of the head of Ragozine , ‘ a most notorious pirate ’ , for Claudio 's ( IV.iii.69 ) .
18 ‘ Another particularly odious corruption is the scholar who sets himself up as a unique authority on a certain painter , with the specific knowledge that , in cornering the market , his opinion will be essential for anyone dealing with works by that artist .
19 All organisations are concerned with who makes decisions , who controls resources , who determines which issues are discussed , who sets the agenda and how is conflict between individuals and groups resolved .
20 Llewellyn and Tew ( 1988 ) also discuss the Bank 's discount market operations and the question of who sets interest rates .
21 Managers can also be what referred to as ‘ stress carriers ’ , causing stress for those around them , for example by being ‘ the lovable incompetent boss who sets objectives , then changes his mind , or the flip-side of that , the dictator boss who rules with fear ’ .
22 Strict parameters and rules do need to be built into the system early on , whether it is the children or the teacher who sets them .
23 The engineer who sets about designing an efficient sonar or radar device soon comes up against a problem resulting from the need to make the pulses extremely loud .
24 Charming at first sight is this picture of the warm-blooded sailor who sets out to win a girl because he has been told he is beneath her .
25 Meanwhile , Hilary Murphy , who sets the questions , puts the final touches to Bob 's board .
26 Meanwhile , Hilary Murphy , who sets the questions , puts the final touches to Bob 's board .
27 Now there 's a sight you do n't see every day , Restaurateur and Chef Extraordinaire Raymond Blanc , the man who sets culinary trends at up to £70 a head , queueing up for a school dinner in Oxfordshire .
28 They need a person who sets standards of competence and integrity to be aimed at .
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