Example sentences of "[being] brought [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 Nobody had told her it was to happen ; she had thought she was being brought here to be examined , and then the dentist had put a rubber mask over her face .
2 In green houses all over the country prize blooms are being brought on to be at their best for next week 's Chelsea Flower Show .
3 The 700,000-strong majority Russian population in the Dnestr valley planned to reinforce its September unilateral secession declaration by holding elections on Nov. 25 to a " Transdnestr Republic " Supreme Soviet , but tensions came to a head on Nov. 2 following rumours that polling was being brought forward to Nov. 4 .
4 The renewed interest in alternative fuels and feedstocks has revived coal gasification and the old technology is rapidly being brought up to date .
5 Both syllabuses and examinations were being brought up to date , and he was in the forefront of the new developments .
6 Perhaps , with significant sums of money being brought in to and made out of Ireland , it is time the Irish government did something about encouraging native film makers .
7 This time the slavery was that of sin , and the freedom that of being brought back to God .
8 Meanwhile , Poland and Czechoslovakia were refusing to allow the transit of Soviet military equipment being brought back to Moscow from Soviet installations in eastern Germany .
9 Now , thanks to his intervention , the bodies of the two English tourists were being brought back to Bucharest and would be flown to London by Tarom the following Tuesday — in coffins of Romanian oak .
10 The old stone pillars were shaking as if they were being brought back to life .
11 The time of the execution is also altered , being brought back to a time traditionally associated with " dawn " executions .
12 His body is now being brought back to Britain .
13 David Ashworth was being brought back to Merseyside for interview after inquiries led murder squad detectives to Newcastle-on-Tyne .
14 His solicitors were only told at 9am he was being brought back to court .
15 However , a big England score in Ireland could mean the cup being brought back to Britain untouched for eventual presentation to Will Carling .
16 Whatever your scenario in December , what is being brought home to you is that you can no longer stand on the sidelines of your own life .
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