Example sentences of "[being] confine to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Sheppard believes the task calls for accomplished generalists who know something of law , accounting , commercial practice , people management and administrative systems , without being confined to a narrow , specialist niche .
2 Diana , herself a keen sailor despite being confined to a wheelchair for the last 45 years , hopes the boat will encourage more disabled people onto the water .
3 Diana Campbell , herself a keen sailor despite being confined to a wheelchair for the last 45 years , dreamt up the idea of a specially adapted dinghy sailing boat in the early seventies , and persuaded Roderick Macalpine-Downie to design it .
4 The software allows users to access local and remote communication services on NetWare networks without being confined to a local area network .
5 The local authority appealed against that part of the order by which the justices purported to direct that the guardian ad litem be allowed to have continued involvement with L. on the grounds , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the justices had no jurisdiction to attach a condition to the care order which had been agreed by the parties and approved by the justices ; ( 2 ) in the alternative , the justices had no jurisdiction to make the direction , because ( i ) it had the effect of fettering the discretion of the local authority in the exercise of its functions under section 33 of the Children Act 1989 , and ( ii ) the justices had no power to order the guardian ad litem to ‘ have continued involvement ’ once the proceedings had been concluded by the making of an order under section 41 of the Children Act 1989 ; and ( 3 ) the justices had no jurisdiction to make a direction which anticipated a further application before the court , the justices power to give directions in respect of future applications being confined to a prohibition of further specified applications under section 91(14) of the Children Act 1989 .
6 It developed into rheumatoid arthritis , but being confined to a wheelchair did n't stop Jackie marrying and bringing up three children .
7 On stage , short sight is a positive advantage and many is the flowery eulogy some of our more sensitive critics have launched into , in praise of some actress 's misty gaze into the middle distance which could be more truthfully ascribed to her horn-rims being confined to the dressing-room table , having failed to match her farthingale .
8 It has the unique distinction among school magazines of being confined to the closed case of the British Library .
9 Cramer still smarted from having the primacy in the handling of the negotiation process removed from his control at all , and being confined to the investigation .
10 Rather than being confined to the church , therefore , Puritan religious life also focused on the household and various voluntary forms of public worship .
11 At the same time women were being confined to the family .
12 Being confined to the one living space meant an increase in hyperactivity and breakdown in family relationships .
13 The McKinsey position seems more defensible this time , with the negative growth being confined to the dogs ' quarters .
14 On stage , short sight is a positive advantage and many are the flowery eulogies some of our more sensitive critics have launched into in praise of this or that actress 's misty gaze into the middle-distance , which could be more truthfully ascribed to her scarlet frames being confined to the dressing-room table , having failed to match her farthingale .
15 There has always been a temptation to regard the successive recommitments to the central political purpose of the Community as being confined to the small print , to be accepted only through gritted teeth and only on our terms .
16 That influence , far from being confined to the former graveyard of St Giles ' , has spread and is spreading in every corner of the world .
17 The scheme is designed to give shoppers better access to shops without being confined to the narrow pavements .
18 On the other runs the final path length was slightly higher , with the maximum value over all runs of 7392 , and with errors in the probe orders being confined to the centromeres of one or both of chromosomes I and II ( e.g. , one half of chromosome 2 would be joined to chromosome III ) .
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