Example sentences of "on 29th " in BNC.

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1 In keeping with Glasgow 's title ‘ European City of Culture 1990 ’ , FYT is organising a day consultation on 29th September for church leaders to explore church cultures .
2 Joseph himself recollected how , on 29th May , Stevens ‘ made known his heart ’ :
3 The Indians were angered by this invasion , and on 29th October Stevens received news that the Yakima , Cayuse , Walla Walla , Umatilla and Palouse Indians had risen against the settlers .
4 Having received misleading reports that Looking Glass was planning mischief , Howard had , on 29th June , dispatched two cavalry companies under Captain Whipple to arrest the chief .
5 Whilst Henry II was in Normandy , he learned of Thomas 's continued intransigence and that caused Henry II to utter the words , ‘ Will no-one rid me of this troublesome person ? ’ , which prompted four knights of his household to cross to England and assassinate Thomas Becket in his Cathedral , on 29th .
6 March 1853 and he died at the very early age of thirty-seven , on 29th .
7 Hitler agreed to meet Chamberlain , Mussolini and Daladier of France , at Munich on 29th .
8 You will have a full week in the resort of your choice , and return by luxury coach as detailed above , departing on 29th September and arriving back in London on 30 September .
9 There was a setback in the winter of 1814 where there was a fall at one of the shafts of the Crick Tunnel , but the tunnel was finished on 29th July 1814 .
10 The grim reality of the war was reinforced when Gad Gross , who had been part of the JB group , was killed by Iraqi soldiers on 29th March .
11 On 29th December 1165 , Charlemagne , the founder of the Holy Roman Empire , was canonised at Aachen .
12 On 29th May 1176 Frederick was defeated at the battle of Lagnano because Henry the Lion , continually striving to increase his own power , had deserted the imperial cause at the last minute .
13 And so to the grand opening ceremony on 29th September 1885 , a date chosen to coincide with the Lifeboat Festival .
14 The tramway was to prove no exception , a fact underlined by the presence of rows of mayors at the opening on 29th September 1885 .
15 On 29th January , 1855 , Aberdeen 's Government had been heavily defeated in the House of Commons on a censure motion criticizing its conduct of the Crimean War , but it was not until 6th February that Queen Victoria brought herself to appoint the seventy-one-year-old Palmerston as Aberdeen 's successor , although his prestige and popularity had made him the inevitable choice as Prime Minister .
16 The parliamentary session closed on 29th July , without any further progress being made , but on 4th August , Hall and Hunt met Cornewall Lewis and Trevelyan to obtain the Government 's approval for a competition , and to seek the first steps towards acquiring the land .
17 On 29th March a deputation of thirteen architects representing the Institute met Manners and General Peel , the new Secretary of State for War , at the Office of Works to reinforce the Memorials .
18 MPs soon heard about Palmerston 's attempt to change the design , and over forty of them , led by Elcho , called on Palmerston on 29th July , 1859 , the day after Scott 's second letter , to say that they thought Scott 's design should be adopted .
19 He died on 29th April 1823 and was buried on 3rd May at Grasmere .
20 ‘ My beloved husband died after a lingering illness on 29th April at 18 minutes past 4 o'clock in the morning … if he would have lived to the 25th August , he would have been 63 years old . ’
21 On 29th October , 21 days after the accident , some of the miners thought they could hear the sound of moaning and worked with renewed vigour .
22 Archibald William Montgomerie , the young man who held the Tournament , was born at Palermo , Italy on 29th September , 1812 .
23 Crossman joined it on 29th April 1969 .
24 Folkestone Library is holding a ‘ Knitting Event ’ on 29th September to 3rd October 1992 .
25 The Mayor of Bedford for the time being was always to be an additional director and at the time of the meeting the Mayor was John Wing , who had been sworn in on 29th September 1793 , and served for one year , after which he remained as one of the aldermen .
26 The last meeting of the Board of Guardians of the Bedford Union was held on 29th March 1930 .
27 The Western Region , envious of the success of the London Midland Region Radio Land Cruise Trains , introduced their own on 29th June 1£954 which worked in the opposite direction to the L.M. Region turns .
28 He was buried on 29th December , 1587 , having died possible of the plague , which struck Stockport between 1587 and 1592 .
29 The first was obviously the most pressing , and on 29th July 1847 Mr. William Gurney , aged only 25 and a Cambridge graduate , was appointed .
30 Ian Crofton , currently editorial director of Guinness Reference , joins the Pan Macmillan board as an associate director on 29th March in the new position of publishing director for reference books .
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