Example sentences of "[Wh pn] work on [art] " in BNC.

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1 This is especially so for people who work on a continuous basis as casual workers .
2 But those are n't the two , only two opera companies for instance , in the country , there are some fantastic opera companies who er , who work on a much smaller scale , who , in a sense , would not fill somewhere like the Apollo , who are just perfect for , for us .
3 Guatemala 's large seasonal migrant population , who work on the coffee and cotton plantations for part of the year , sometimes migrate over the border to the plantations in southern Mexico .
4 When you start in public relations , you need to meet journalists who work on the newspapers : press receptions , product launches , pubs around Fleet Street , the Press Club — there are many ways to do this .
5 That no similar slogan has come from the car workers is important , and is tied up with the fact that ‘ the car plants for the car workers ’ makes no sense to the lads who work on the line .
6 All the sounds of the valley end here in my room , and the women speak in front of me — of Hywel and Beuno and Elizabeth and me — and the men who work on the farm piss in the hedgerow in front of me because they all think I am dead .
7 This study sets out to examine , albeit in a preliminary way , just how the rapid changes in the Scottish agricultural industry in the post-war years have affected those who work on the land .
8 But erm certainly with this style of hat was commonly worn I suppose to his and by the people who work on the land , certainly in this part of the world .
9 It is estimated that there are around 9,000 women who work on the streets or in the bars of Olongapo as prostitutes or ’ hospitality workers ’ .
10 Around 170 nuclear scientists , who work on the JET project at Culham in Oxfordshire , started the first of a series of one day strikes at midnight .
11 There has been no change in the total number of farmers and those in their families — 47,800 who work on the land .
12 I think some stations might do that , but they only do it if , if it 's , if it 's not going to be detrimental to the turn out , in other words they , they have a system , erm for instance they have a duty crew over the weekend , so that at least some can take their families to the seaside if they wanted to , so six will remain around the house er er but they do have some system , but I think the majority of fire stations , there are twenty seven in Suffolk like that , who work on the system of getting there as quickly as they can , and that is the best competition to get there , to get the ride .
13 Second , there is a category composed of people who work on an irregular basis , but with whom the organisation is interested in developing a continuing relationship .
14 This is all the more true of those casual workers who work on an almost full-time , fall-year basis for a single organization .
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