Example sentences of "[been] moved from the " in BNC.

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1 Sister Marcus said Mr Francis was rather poorly and had been moved from the Seriously Ill to the Dangerously Ill List .
2 The Council became a genuinely learning process , and once the name of the game had been defined as aggiornamento , once ecumenical understanding and co-operation with other Christians had been moved from the presupposition of ‘ dangerous ’ to that of ‘ Christian ’ and ‘ highly desirable ’ , there developed for a while a new logic which could not easily be denied .
3 She 'd been moved from the uninspiring cupboard allocated to her by Stephanie on her arrival .
4 They had been moved from the prison to Avicennes hospital in June after a serious deterioration in their condition .
5 Biwott , who had been moved from the Ministry of Energy to that of Industry during a cabinet reshuffle on Oct. 27 , was named as a " prime suspect " by John Troon , a British detective investigating the murder .
6 A report on ( Hekmatyar 's ) Radio Message of Freedom on Sept. 24 said that former President Najibullah had been moved from the UN offices in Kabul ( where he fled at the outset of the fall of his regime ) to Mazar-i-Sharif " where he now lives under the intimidation and torture of leaders of the unholy coalition of the north " .
7 ‘ But I have heard in other parts of the country that people have been moved from the waiting lists because they would not get an appointment within the set time limit .
8 He had been moved from the Royal Alexandria Hospital , Paisley , to the private Alexandra Nursing Home almost a year earlier having suffered brain damage after a stabbing incident .
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