Example sentences of "[been] able [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 It 's the first time in years I 've been able to uncoil a little with Ali .
2 I think the people of Wiltshire recognise that we have been able to set a budget that enables all the departments to have more money in real terms to spend on delivery of service for next year , and I think that 's something that we can some credit in , and I think it does reflect a new partnership between councillors , officers and those that are delivering services to the public across the county .
3 Some experimenters indeed ( including Ellis and Muller ( 1964 ) themselves when they made use of the more complex 24-pointed shapes as their stimuli ) have been able to demonstrate a superiority of distinctiveness training over the observe-only control condition ( see also Kurtz and Hovland 1953 ; Ranken 1963 ; Ellis and Feuge 1966 ; Ellis and Homan 1968 ) .
4 In the right circumstances , Mr Solarz has been able to give a nudge or two to history .
5 If you had asked him , I suppose that he would not have been able to give a very convincing answer as to why he was walking , or looking , or watching in such an apparently random and obsessive fashion .
6 The latter have lacked an effective spokesman partly because the Polytechnic of Wales which , in other circumstances , might have been able to give a lead , is in an isolated position , being the only one of its kind in the Principality .
7 In other words , the price mechanism has not yet been able to form a support for the market .
8 At no other time has either left or right been able to form a government without the support of the FOP , which has therefore been the essential junior partner in coalition either with the CDU/CSU or , less often , with the SPD .
9 It was a full day later before Schmidt had been able to form a coherent sentence , though his words still came in a low , wracked whisper .
10 Of course , the Conservatives won again in 1983 , but the fact that they secured two-thirds of the seats in the Commons with less than half of the popular vote encouraged the centre parties to cry still louder for electoral reform at the same time as the Left were forced to ponder on the fact that had there been proportional representation then the Conservatives would not have been able to form a government without the moderating support of another party in the coalition .
11 First , had proportional representation been in force in 1983 , then the Conservatives would not have been able to form a government on their own and coalition would have forced a moderation of policies .
12 Redcar 's Stead Hospital has been able to create a home from home to help rehabilitate patients , thanks to the support of the town 's Rotary Club , which raised half of the £38,000 needed to provide a therapy suite .
13 Most have replied and I have been able to draft a progress report which enables you to see what stage your councils have reached and how they match up to progress in other councils .
14 If I had been able to see a copy of the local Communist party paper , I would have learned that I — with many others — had been unmasked as a conspirator and an enemy of the state .
15 It must be almost dawn , she thought absently ; an hour ago she had not been able to see a thing .
16 have I been able to see a fight so clearly …
17 Owing to the steady increase in its holdings , the Theatre Collection has been able to mount a series of exhibitions illustrating various aspects of theatre history .
18 With financial support from the Ancient India and Iran Trust in Cambridge , the Fitzwilliam Museum has been able to mount a loan exhibition of antiquities of ancient Afghanistan and Pakistan .
19 We have not been able to arrange a Neighbourhood Watch scheme .
20 While the power of dismissal may be of limited use , where the government has been able to appoint a new rail chairman , it has the opportunity to shape a management team more in tune with its thinking .
21 Nor have I been able to watch A Winter Too Many .
22 Now , those of you who have not been able to watch a television set may not be aware of the really remarkable performances that we have seen here at Royal St. George 's on this beautiful English summer 's day .
23 It was just as well because the back boiler in the kitchen split in two about fifteen years ago and I have n't been able to light a fire in the grate since .
24 They had n't been able to light a fire .
25 Although this is undoubtedly true , on two occasions during the period covered by this book ( 1660 and 1688 ) an invading army ( one from Scotland , the other from Holland ) had been able to exploit a severe domestic political crisis and widespread popular disaffection in order to bring about a change of political regimes .
26 Employees have been able to take a direct stake in the newly privatised companies .
27 I wished I 'd been able to take a photograph of gaunt-face , but I 'd been more keen to listen .
28 Along with other members of my family I have been able to take a cycle on trains from Edinburgh to Stirling or Dunblane .
29 Sturt , who would have been able to take a much faster and direct route , only made it as far as the western approaches to the bend , and was so hard-pressed by lack of water that he had to bleed a horse to survive .
30 He would not have been able to put a precise age on the skeleton .
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