Example sentences of "[been] discover in [art] " in BNC.

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1 A fifteenth-century gilded goblet ( below ) made of the finest Venetian glass has been discovered in a medieval cesspit west of the Tower of London , writes David Keys .
2 The security firm Chubb said yesterday that further copies of the document had been discovered in a West Country shopping precinct .
3 One of the Quorn had been discovered in a very loose-box with a girl from the Cotswold and dropped from his team .
4 Anthony 's regular enquiries of his colleagues around Italy had at last borne fruit and Annunziata 's son had been discovered in a Roman hospital recovering slowly from serious wounds to his head and spine .
5 " Mouses making buns , " Deborah had said the afternoon before when flour and raisins had been discovered in a corner .
6 ( A claim by the US military that 50 kg of cocaine had been discovered in a house used by Noriega for voodoo rituals was retracted on Jan. 22 when it was admitted that the substance was in fact tamales , a central American foodstuff , wrapped in banana leaves .
7 On June 7 the Supreme Court ordered a judicial inquiry into the deaths of 18 left-wing political prisoners whose bodies had been discovered in a mass grave in Pisagua , 1,700 km north of Santiago ( the capital ) , on June 5 .
8 * The first case of BSE has been discovered in a Swiss cow .
9 A new species of spider has been discovered in a field in Cambridgeshire .
10 The body of a sixty year old man has been discovered in a council flat , almost three months after he died of natural causes .
11 Though the apolitical villain was fairly quickly apprehended , Churchill 's portrait has just been discovered in a police raid on a suspected handler .
12 Failing to live up to its name , the Russian newspaper Pravda announced in February that the library and treasures of the sixteenth-century tsar Ivan the Terrible had been discovered in an underground city north of Moscow .
13 What is so disheartening about what has been discovered in the Stasi files , however , is that people informed even when under no pressure to do so .
14 Within France the DST has been reasonably successful in countering Russian and other East European intelligence operations although , as in Britain , spies have been discovered in the highest levels of government .
15 In 1050 or so the abbot announced that the body of St Mary Magdalene , no less , had been discovered in the crypt .
16 Engraved with a crest and supported on a cylindrical stem , the eye-bath was made in London in 1818 and had been discovered in the collection of a West Yorkshire couple .
17 ‘ The largest dog cemetery of any kind known in the ancient world ’ , according to Harvard archaeologist Lawrence Stager , has been discovered in the Israeli coastal city of Ashkelon .
18 It is evident from a Health Advisory Service ( HAS ) visit in 1985 that a fundamental flaw had been discovered in the planning of the Powick strategy .
19 Quartz veins of probable Caledonian age , with economic Au mineralisation , have recently been discovered in the Dalradian of Scotland and Northern Ireland .
20 Gold has recently been discovered in the south Devon area ( MRP 98 ) .
21 Minoan wall frescoes showing youths leaping over bulls in the Cretan manner have been discovered in the Nile Delta .
22 Prehistoric graves have recently been discovered in the vicinity .
23 However , the talent has been discovered in the aquatic stages of some amphibians such as newts and caecilians .
24 It had been discovered in the eighteenth century that light does not travel instantaneously from source to observer ; rather , it goes at a certain speed , about 186,000 miles ( 300,000 kilometers ) a second .
25 Another possible bath-house has already been mentioned , having been discovered in the excavation in the High Street in 1961–2 .
26 Numerous other fragments of buildings , many of barn-like or shop-like forms , have been discovered in the suburbs , representing almost the entire Roman period from the lat e first century onwards .
27 The manuscript had just been discovered in the uncatalogued recesses of the British Museum ; it was exciting work , said the doctor , but difficult : the manuscript was badly damaged and as he had not the money to go to London he was having to work from a smudged xerox copy .
28 It aimed at boosting rice production and improving literacy and health care , and was partially financed with the revenues from oil which had been discovered in the 1950s .
29 The body of Luis Eurico Teixeira Lisboa , a left-wing intellectual , had been discovered in the same graveyard under a false name in 1979 .
30 The bodies of three suspected " collaborators " had been discovered in the West Bank and Gaza Strip on Jan. 3 .
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