Example sentences of "[Wh pn] [verb] been watching " in BNC.

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1 But clearly for the schoolchildren who 've been watching every move .
2 Moran who had been watching as anxiously as the two girls met him at the wooden gate .
3 Baldi , who had been watching the show , now tried to find a way around the Jaguar for himself .
4 Peter Yeo , who had been watching his partners , realized that he and Tim were not carrying the other two and decided to make another effort .
5 Charity said she longed for bangers and mash and mugs of hot sweet tea , but Mona , who had been watching events with a twinkling eye , said rubbish , she 'd send over to Fortnum 's for a hamper .
6 When the film is complete and the company has pulled out , he stays behind and watches with awe as the local Peruvian Indians — who had been watching the film being made — begin to re-enact it .
7 Those who had been watching him work believed that in spite of the traumas , Hopper the actor was a star , and Hopper the director had completed an extraordinarily good film which , according to one description , included some ‘ hauntingly beautiful footage ’ .
8 Ludens , who had been watching this face attentively for some time , could now however read in it signs of care , a wrinkling of the brow , not marked exactly in any lines of flesh but as a cloud poised , the mouth and eyes narrowing as in thought or pain , the hints of a perhaps imminent older face .
9 When his case finally came up the evidence of the couple 's daughter , who had been watching the whole incident , was torn to shreds by Russell 's lawyer .
10 Harriet , who had been watching the meter , pulled a note out of her bag and passed it to the driver .
11 Then her mother , who had been watching from the kitchen window , ran to the back door .
12 When they reached the Manor the children who had been watching from the window ran to greet Tamar .
13 Sammy , who had been watching the slight twitching movements that Willie had made in his sleep , now stood at his feet .
14 Mr Ali hurled himself at Conroy as he fired , hitting the shopkeeper and Navid , who had been watching TV .
15 ‘ I du n no , ’ said Masklin , who had been watching the geese speculatively .
16 Mrs Phelps , who had been watching her with fascination for the past few weeks , now got up from her desk and went over to her .
17 Meanwhile Crowe , who had been watching the carnage unfold from the other end with increasing horror , unfurled some strokes of class in an attempt to ease the situation .
18 Whitlock , who had been watching the entrance from the comfort of an armchair for the past ten minutes , got to his feet and shook her extended hand .
19 She had met her connection in the usual place but the moment the deal was struck they were busted by three plainclothes policemen who had been watching them from an unmarked car on the opposite side of the road .
20 Martha turned to her sister , who had been watching in awe as the miraculous answer to her prayer was provided .
21 So she asked Curtis and Mrs Files — who had been watching Delia Sutherland 's reaction from the service door — to come with her into the morning room where she explained the situation as frankly as possible .
22 The child , who had been watching him gravely , said , ‘ Why are n't you playing the cello any longer with my father ?
23 Félix , who had been watching her face intently , now touched her cheek tenderly with his fingertips .
24 A thin , stoop-shouldered Frenchman wearing a pince-nez who had been watching and listening from the curbside , stepped into the road suddenly and leaned close enough to Chuck for the American boy to smell the garlic on his breath .
25 Beamish , who had been watching like a man in a daze , pulled a handful of hay from a bale and held it out to her .
26 ‘ It was Bernard , who had been watching me from his office and asked me if I had ever thought of a career in modelling . ’
27 Lorton , who had been watching anxiously , gave him a nod of approval .
28 An undisciplined cheer went up from the crew members who had been watching the fight .
29 Was it possible that Barrymore was in fact the man who had been watching Sir Henry in London ?
30 I decided I must try to find the man who had been watching us .
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