Example sentences of "[indef pn] knew the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Everybody asked questions , but nobody knew the answers .
2 Nobody knew the risks better than they did .
3 I think it must be an opportunist thief , someone just passing by — nobody knew the cupboard was going to be open just at that time . ’
4 None knew the force of such reasoning better than the NIO which had been humbled by the general strike or the previous May .
5 None knew the whereabouts of the nine orangs , but three were still put in jail for refusing to give information .
6 Dexter guessed she was deeply in love : not with her husband , with whom she was trapped in an unsuitable and corroded marriage ; nor even it seemed , although no one knew the secrets of the dead woman 's heart , with her older lover ; but she was certainly in love with herself , Dexter believed , and with her image on the screen .
7 Surely no one knew the name of the distant , immortal Lord of Mankind — in whom Lexandro had only ever felt the most casual interest since his early catechisms .
8 She had n't completely regained her strength , and as no one knew the truth about her absence , no allowances were made .
9 One knew the troops who had been in action .
10 No one knew the weather , the currents or the winds .
11 He spoke of a mathematics of colour , Wittgenstein , a Farbmathematik : one knew saturated red or yellow , once experienced , as one knew the nature of a circle or the square on the hypotenuse .
12 Vases of different shapes and sizes lay beside pebbles , weavings , ancient carvings and many other objects no-one knew the purpose of .
13 He preferred not to think that everyone knew the artist had painted his best-known work from the window overlooking Dzerjhinsky Square .
14 He felt that everyone knew the story that we 're talking about , the clichés , and that there was n't anything else there .
15 Everyone knew the story of how old man Reynolds had come up from nothing to be a landowner .
16 Caspar had crossed the room to stand at her side and he said , ‘ Sire — ’ And stopped in some confusion , because he had known Nuadu at once — he thought every person in Ireland would recognise him , for the wolfblood was unmistakable , and everyone knew the story of the Queen 's bastard wolfson and the fierce quarrels that had taken place between her and the King when Nuadu was born .
17 Captain Awud proposed that , since everyone knew the total of voters , they needed to count the votes for one candidate only .
18 If any BW officer had reservations about the project they could have phoned me on 10th or 11th June , particularly as everyone knew the work was scheduled to start on the 12th .
19 You know their names , ’ said Grainne , and a shiver went through the Beastline creatures and the Cruithin , for everyone knew the litany : Decadence , Hatred , Vice , Corruption , Jealousy …
20 Everyone knew the climax was approaching .
21 Everyone knew the words , so they could follow the distorted reproduction successfully .
22 Remarkably , compounds which showed particular promise as drugs became routinely discussed by number alone , although everyone knew the chemistry behind them .
23 Everyone knew the tales of rabid dogs : how they suddenly went wild and uncontrollable , spinning round in circles , and rampaging through a village scattering chickens , or baying at the moon and running with the jackals .
24 Everybody knew the Earl of Essex .
25 ‘ The room was swept just three days ago , ’ the uniformed messenger said , and Sir Anthony Sladen thanked him automatically , although everybody knew the remark was meaningless .
26 Everybody knew the tram drivers and used to hop on the front of the car up to the nearest point of the station and then jump off , and the superintendent was on the car and saw him getting on .
27 Everybody knew the undertaker . ’
28 If anyone knew the answers in this country , it was the Dwarves .
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