Example sentences of "[indef pn] close to [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It was the first time that someone close to me had died , and I could not imagine life without my sister , even if I had never loved her , or even thought about her recently .
2 Someone close to me has had a cataract operation in both eyes .
3 This subject needs a great deal of careful study and thought but , with this outline , let us move on to look at the experience a bereaved person might have of the church when someone close to them has died .
4 So what happens when family members or friends are told or understand that someone close to them is going to die ?
5 So far we have been concerned with trying to understand something of the general reaction people have to various forms of loss , concentrating on the reactions people will discover in themselves when they or someone close to them is dying or has died .
6 Buyers need to tell someone close to them they have made the arrangements , otherwise the policy will be worthless .
7 But as she mounted the first of the steps to the front door she sensed someone close to her .
8 I 've got someone close to him . ’
9 Before moving on to discuss the process of loss in relation to the death of someone close to us , it is helpful to look at a less significant but nevertheless important and unexpected loss and see our reaction there .
10 Yet this notion of compassionate leave is one of the indications we have of how society accepts the significance of having someone close to us die .
11 We no longer wear mourning clothes for a fixed period of time , we do n't refuse to go to parties for the first six months after the death of someone close to us , we do n't take time immediately after the death for intensive grieving .
12 Our reactions to the death of someone close to us are particular to us and to our relationship with them .
13 How different it is when someone , perhaps someone close to us , perhaps someone we have never met , helps us to view the world through different eyes .
14 The difference is , the Luciferi have someone close to our hearts who betrays our every step and turn .
15 But if you are worried about your own safety or the safety of someone close to you , it is possible to minimise the risk even further by taking some simple , sensible precautions .
16 someone close to you subjects you to emotional blackmail/puts pressure on you ( ie ‘ It 'll be your fault if I drop dead with a heart attack . ’
17 If this is your first experience in the role of main helper to someone close to you who has suffered a major loss , and if you have not yet suffered one yourself , you may find the strange variety and intensity of her emotions and her need for long-term support rather daunting .
18 If you are facing the facts in your relationship or that of someone close to you , be encouraged .
19 Now meditate on these words of Paul , thinking about what they tell you about the grace and love of God in your own situation or that of someone close to you .
20 ‘ It 's important when someone close to you gets cancer that you have as much help around you as possible .
21 It is hard to imagine you getting through the day without upsetting someone close to you , possibly a lover or a relative .
22 Somehow you can put up with and even smile at a stranger or workmate 's silly antics and daft behaviour , but when someone close to you starts rubbing you up the wrong way you 'll explode .
23 I do worry about having to retire or remove somebody , particularly somebody close to me .
24 Yer let people cry of games for no good reason , 'cept that somebody close to 'em says they ca n't , and yer tolerate bad behaviour . ’
25 Everyone close to her knew that Elinor 's unspoken dream was that Miranda — her only remaining unmarried granddaughter — should marry into the British aristocracy .
26 If Saddam is overthrown — when Saddam is overthrown — everyone close to him will go too , and it 's unlikely to be a gentle business .
27 I 'm pleased to see that she 's reverted to something close to her original appearance for the evening , though the casual style now carries designer labels .
28 Some children will be reading about something close to their own experience , close to their own emotional world .
29 Reviewing my years in Burma , it is I hope clear how one who went out to preach a gospel also heard another gospel , a complementary one , and learned from the gentle , tolerant Buddhists of Burma something close to what the Buddha tried to teach .
30 I think that that 's something close to what you 're saying .
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