Example sentences of "it to happen " in BNC.

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1 But it 's been done because people wanted it to happen , not because it 's been imposed upon them . ’
2 ‘ But such anxiety will not stop it happening if the Soviet Union should ever allow it to happen or be unable to stop it happening ’ .
3 They 're the ones that call radio stations and demand more airtime , scream when the station is not playing the new album , and eventually cause it to happen for you . ’
4 You read in the papers all the time about girls being raped and murdered , and you do n't want it to happen to you , so you try to cut down the odds .
5 ‘ Yes , there are plans for a musical , it is true we are talking about doing one with Kylie and we all very much want it to happen , ’ admitted Pete Waterman .
6 ‘ Can I make it absolutely clear we do not intend this to happen , will not let this happen and will not introduce change in a way which might cause it to happen ? ’
7 They achieved this splendidly in the Scottish Cup semi-final and since Hearts allowed it to happen to them we had a memorably ghastly match .
8 I do n't want it to happen again . ’
9 But you 're just waiting for it to happen . ’
10 Before 1967 Israel assumed , as did many others , that since the Palestinian Arabs had not achieved nationhood they would soon assimilate into the Arab host countries neighbouring Israel , if the latter had half a mind to allow it to happen .
11 This is a typical conspiracy theory , which adduces the fact that something did happen as evidence that someone meant it to happen .
12 The authorities do not have to wait for it to happen , however .
13 There is a danger that in getting angry with yourself , you try to make the learning happen rather than allowing it to happen .
14 Note that I said ‘ allow ’ it to happen ; if you ‘ try ’ to remember , you will simply become tense again and all your efforts will come to nothing .
15 I am convinced that this is because the barbel are so conditioned to seeing this plastic larder pop through the surface and spread good things to eat along the bottom , they are waiting for it to happen .
16 Furthermore , while in former times the responsible authorities strove their hardest to mitigate poverty , of circumstance and opportunity , by driving hard for high levels of education provision , low expectation still depressed educational achievement , and work-related training in industry continued to be low-grade — where employers allowed it to happen at all .
17 It soon became evident that the orchestra was fractionally behind on several entries — not enough to unsettle the soloist-aware listener , but after a while I was just waiting for it to happen .
18 But she did n't want it to happen to him .
19 Willing to take responsibility for the church to grow , and not wait for it to happen .
20 Hypnosis is rather like the former situation ; you are aware of all that is happening but , because it feels so right and so pleasant , you allow it to happen .
21 The instructions about practising will have been given while he was under hypnosis ( although he will , of course , have heard and understood every word ) and so , because he is willing for it to happen , they will be firmly planted in his subconscious mind .
22 And when Biarritz scored a quick try and Blanco landed a sensational penalty from about 60 metres it looked as if a miracle seemed possible simply because so many people passionately wanted it to happen .
23 You just had to wait longer for it to happen .
24 It was : ‘ If you want my will to be done , it requires you to actually do something ( which takes time and effort ) not just to sit back and expect it to happen ’ .
25 After isolating the problem , investigate it as quickly as possible , resolve it , make sure as well as you can that the system does n't allow it to happen again , and proceed at full steam to collect whatever balance you and your customer have agreed upon .
26 My own belief is that tunnels are very emotive places and if one is susceptible to paranormal events a tunnel is just the sort of place for it to happen .
27 This occurs quite frequently in simple , non-biological systems and there is no question of any additional controlling substance or biological mechanism being needed to cause it to happen .
28 Despite her remark , Nora knew this perfectly well and was determined not to allow it to happen .
29 If there were a loving God , she argued , he would never have allowed it to happen .
30 A group action may not turn out exactly as the individuals involved intended ; but in order for it to happen at all there must be individuals acting on the basis of various desires , beliefs and intentions .
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