Example sentences of "['s] enthusiasm for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Goldin 's enthusiasm for a smaller , cheaper station may have saved the project from outright cancellation ; if that is the case , he has staked his reputation ( as well as a lot of public money ) on the outcome .
2 MacArthur 's enthusiasm for a treaty had waned by June 1950 .
3 Joyce , frustrated , moved on to consideration of yesterday 's weather , complaints about the new trainee and an attempt to enlist Helen 's support in resisting the county librarian 's enthusiasm for a local history section at Spaxton .
4 However , I very much support and understand my hon. Friend 's enthusiasm for a national lottery .
5 But Churchill 's enthusiasm for a summit meeting was not yet fully shared by the Foreign Office and cabinet colleagues .
6 It is Marquand 's enthusiasm for every initiative with a Euro-prefix that strikes me as old-fashioned .
7 On the other hand , there is nothing here to show necessarily a diminution in Offa 's enthusiasm for an archbishopric of Lichfield or lessening regard for Hygeberht .
8 And although their analyses overlapped only in the margins , there was a burst of literary bitchiness when Mr Radice 's enthusiasm for the opportunties of the Common Market was excoriated by the other three .
9 Secondly , the notes show Marx 's enthusiasm for the work of Morgan .
10 Bakhtin 's enthusiasm for the novelistic is indeed inspired by its very responsiveness and its capacity to be changed .
11 Anglo-French relations has taken a turn for the worse and Queen Victoria 's enthusiasm for the project evaporated .
12 Tamar 's enthusiasm for the place momentarily brightened up her face .
13 Tony 's enthusiasm for the feel of this SG-shaped model with its 24 fret neck enabled JD to take the dimensions and incorporate them into the new instruments he built for Iommi .
14 Bryan 's enthusiasm for the old Hi-Watt is shared by Keith , who used to use Hi-Watts all the time .
15 In retrospect , it is clear that few of the Party 's officials really shared Ceauşescu 's enthusiasm for the demolition of almost everything that their country 's history had produced .
16 Mallender 's enthusiasm for the game was boundless .
17 A V&A spokeswoman stressed the museum 's enthusiasm for the project , and felt that such a show would attract visitors not normally likely to visit the museum who would then be drawn to related exhibits in the permanent collection .
18 Picard 's enthusiasm for the potential of the Belgian capital is shared by Sotheby 's who held their first sale there on 16 and 17 June .
19 His exchange with the negligent Mr Brooke is abrasive , and the price paid for upper-class ignorance in human misery — the worn wife , the thieving child , the drunkenness throws into unsparing relief his landlord 's enthusiasm for the fine arts and social reform .
20 Journalists who shared Herr 's enthusiasm for the whole experience , if enthusiasm is the word , tend to quote with wistful nostalgia one particular line from Dispatches : ‘ I think Vietnam was what we had instead of happy childhoods . ’
21 The examples that Shklovsky 's enthusiasm for the idea makes him choose in the early essays are extremely heterogeneous , and this heterogeneity makes him come close to spoiling the unique value of his case .
22 In his speeches to the multitudes , Franco 's enthusiasm for the Falange put monarchists and military on notice that any attempt to push him into early retirement would have to contend with the mass opposition of his " popular support " .
23 The implicature we can draw from it all is that Anderson 's enthusiasm for the topic overrides his concern for his positive face , but that the conflict between these two concerns remains , and is visible in the nervous flaws in his linguistic performance .
24 All of us are aware of the problems of someone who was living alone and struggling to maintain a large house , but I am genuinely surprised at Conservative Members ' enthusiasm for a benefit that is clearly not targeted .
25 It is difficult to share David Jones ' enthusiasm for the humble titration when one remembers all the argument there used to be about standardisation .
26 Darwin 's theory played a major catalytic role in converting the world to evolutionism , but historians have begun to realize that our conventional image of the ‘ Darwinian revolution ’ is an oversimplification inspired by modern biologists ' enthusiasm for the concept of natural selection .
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