Example sentences of "['s] eye [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Eddie 's eyes on change
2 Prince Charles , honoured by being momentarily cast a Chinese emperor , dabbed ink on the lion 's eyes for luck .
3 Poems of the Past and the Present ( 1901 , dated 1902 ) was more warmly received , partly because some of the Boer War poems — distinguished in one commentator 's eyes for dwelling ‘ not on the glory , but on the piteousness of the struggle ’ — were already familiar through the newspapers .
4 ‘ It 's Len Seager , ’ she said softly , noting the flicker of recognition in David 's eyes at mention of the man 's name .
5 Medically , they will surely pull her ears to destruction , which is her own problem , but , televisually , they pull the viewer 's eyes to distraction , which is ours .
6 Blanche stared into the woman 's eyes without blinking .
7 With a sense of endlessness contained only by a sense of the sea beyond , the earth slopes and drops away from one 's eyes in charcoal heaps of volcanic ash .
8 At this point all three friends felt an unruly wave of amusement sweeping over them , and the rest of the fire-drill was spent desperately avoiding each other 's eyes in case a fit of the giggles should descend , and they were all agreed ( especially Mildred ) that this would definitely not be the thing to do .
9 To give up reason for revelation , he argued , is ‘ like putting out one 's eyes in order to look through a telescope ’ .
10 Art historians may be interested in anything which requires the use of one 's eyes in order to understand it , from Chartres Cathedral and Michelangelo 's Moses to the signs and symbols of everyday life in twentieth-century society , and they may find the objects of their study anywhere from the sale rooms to the archaeologist 's excavation trench .
11 We look into each other 's eyes like card players wondering what 's hidden .
12 And it 's got ten funtime activities like a spinning teddy , clicking dog and musical wheel to help an older baby 's eye to hand co-ordination .
13 My family will squeak with outrage when he turns a biologist 's eye on art and on drug abuse and suggests they are status indicators for age-old sexual selection .
14 Football : Non-League Notebook : Kelly 's eye for fist and chips
15 He was drunk for sure and unafraid , of the barman , Paddy 's crutch , but stilt a miser 's eye for money .
16 She was possessed of a fine and original mind ; she had the artist 's eye for subject , scene and colour .
17 Thomas 's eye for practicality is particularly useful , and extends to addresses of electronics suppliers , and the price ( high ) of aequorin , a photoprotein .
18 With his Yorkshireman 's eye for economy he was soon suggesting that the more impecunious aeronauts might seriously consider the process .
19 Beginning with the whirling bustle of the theatre scenes , Pierre L'homme 's camera and Rappeneau 's eye for detail turn more intimate moments like the balcony scene into a wondrous symphony of white light flecked with shadows .
20 We do n't all have Watkins ' advantages : a lifetime 's familiarity and sympathy with his native countryside ; the photographer 's eye for detail , for the unusual and for the properly framed view ; and the advantage of access to the countryside as part of his daily work .
21 Edouard de Chavigny 's eye for detail was well known ; no aspect , however small , connected with the running of his companies escaped his notice .
22 Sarah 's eye for stardom is not just restricted to models .
23 It 's a rivalry which can only become fiercer : the connoisseur 's eye versus technology 's bag of tricks .
24 If you want to know how the bird 's eye in maple is formed ask a logger .
25 A week 's filming at a sandpit near Leighton Buzzard , in Bedfordshire , where the Victors tried to destroy the Bats ' car , was beset with difficulties when strong winds constantly filled actors ' and technicians ' eyes with sand , but the scenes were eventually completed to everyone 's satisfaction .
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