Example sentences of "[n mass] at the beginning " in BNC.

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1 The effect of this lenience was that the yield of 4s. in the pound on landed incomes and 2s. 8d. on goods actually fell during Elizabeth 's reign — a period of rising prices and of growing prosperity for the propertied classes — from about £140,000 at the beginning of the reign to about £85,000 at the end .
2 Profits had shot up from £6m to £27m and the share price had risen — on a trajectory a jumbo jet pilot can only dream of — from 170p at the beginning of 1991 to 899p by the year-end .
3 Firstly the price of admission went up by 50pc at the beginning of the season a lot of money in an area which still has among the worst unemployment rates in mainland Britain ( and the lowest amount of disposable income per head of population if we are getting into statistics ) .
4 Accordingly , the content of each pack of paracetamol was legally limited to 8 g at the beginning of the 1980s .
5 The figures for percentage sedentary people at the beginning of this chapter tell only part of the story .
6 Yeah , it 's interesting that we talk about single parent families but the two or three people at the beginning talked about erm , the one parent , the father was in actual fact , I know he was actually resident there was probably his his erm interest was non-existent .
7 The first half of the twentieth century brought no important changes in thinking on education or health as forms of national investment , apart from the public concern about the health of children and young people at the beginning of the century and the implication of this to both the industrial and military strength of the country .
8 but I realised that big weight losses often happen to very overweight people at the beginning of their diets , so I did n't expect to continue at anything like that pace .
9 Golding 's The Inheritors ( 1955 ) is concerned , for much of its length , with the activities of a people at the beginning of their linguistic development .
10 It is best to staff at the beginning .
11 In part of course this poor showing was the result of massive land sales at the beginning and at the end of Elizabeth 's reign : in all , lands to the annual value of £25,000 were sold .
12 This is measured by the difference between the expected long-term rates of growth in real sales at the beginning and end of each month and is used as a proxy for profits .
13 The average home loan is now almost triple the £13,000 at the beginning of the Eighties .
14 The average home loan is now almost triple the £13,000 at the beginning of the Eighties .
15 Redfern launched a circulating exhibition of recent graphic works at the beginning of the year , there has been a print survey at New York 's Museum of Modern Art , and now a collection of important and fragile pictures dating from the Fifties and Sixties , coordinated by the Tàpies Foundation in Barcelona and already seen at IVAM in Valencia , has arrived at the Serpentine Gallery ( to 9 August ) .
16 Total cash was reduced to $1,300m , from $1,900m at the beginning of the year , primarily because of restructuring costs , acquisitions , investments and the operating loss .
17 Her weight had dropped from 41.7 kg. at the beginning of May to 36.75 kg. on 28 June .
18 Commenting on its fiscal 1993 figures , which saw the company soar through the $2,000m sales mark for the year ( see page five ) Dell Computer Corp said cash and investments totalled $95m at January 31 , down from $155m at the beginning of the fiscal year , but the company added a new $200m revolving line of credit with nine multinational banks ; it invested $47m in capital expenditures over the course of the year , primarily in telecommunications , facilities expansion and systems .
19 This fell back to 51% at the beginning of the 1980s , and only recovered in 1989 .
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