Example sentences of "[n mass] at the top " in BNC.

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1 The safest way to do this is to move HIMEM down and store common data at the top of memory .
2 In Sheffield there had been an attempt to rank grammar schools , and W. P. Alexander , the education officer , had argued then , and after 1945 as secretary of the AEC , for selection of 5% at the top , not 20%. 83 In practice , local authorities were constrained in the crucial years 1944–50 by existing buildings , shortage of funds for new ones and by existing teaching staff from making substantial innovations in their arrangements at all .
3 Every time the pollsters asked them to list the issues that most concerned them , the Scots obstinately placed those matters that fail to excite emissaries from the London media at the top — unemployment , the NHS , education — just as in comparable parts of the UK .
4 Perhaps the secret of all these people at the top is that they have vertigo but out of a feeling of ‘ the show must go on ’ they smile in public and are sick off stage .
5 There are a few non-executive directors , statutory people at the top , mainly right-wing ones .
6 Most people at the top taking their lead from the government , are callous and mean .
7 In most cases , they have produced social class scales which put professional people at the top , then other non-manual workers , then various grades of manual worker .
8 The women pointed out that many of the most able graduates were women and that it was shortsighted of the establishment simultaneously to be moaning about the lack of people at the top and disenfranchising half of medical graduates .
9 It can not be said often enough that these are not the people at the top of the organization , but those at the bottom .
10 Do n't people at the top of the same tree try to knock each other down ?
11 Delays in decision-making can be a difficulty as it takes time for problems at the bottom to come to the notice of people at the top , and for ideas at the top to percolate to the bottom .
12 Persuade the people at the top to replace company cars with a salary equivalent .
13 Without the support of people at the top , no one is likely to confront organisational defensive routines .
14 ‘ This recession is different in that people at the top are being affected as well , ’ says Price Jamieson director Andrew Swift .
15 ‘ Do the people at the top really know what they are doing ? ’
16 In fact it seemed to siphon autonomy and information away from me and back to the people at the top .
17 If they believe that by cutting the salaries of two or three people at the top of the operation they can pay for all those goodies they are living in cloud cuckoo land .
18 In one-party states , spontaneous political participation by the masses is actively discouraged and realistic threats to the prevailing order tend to be focused on changing the people at the top , coup d'etat , rather than on changing the conditions under which global capitalism operates .
19 You know , that there was a group of people at the top , Ministers , perhaps , who had an interest in keeping relations between Copts and Moslems on the boil .
20 Now you might think well , what about all these people at the top then .
21 Well another survey was done to look at these people at the top and see how they 're coping , and a big surprise .
22 Well the thing is though people at the top do n't necessarily see the problems that you see as problems
23 Do you think that are so far down on the totem pole because the people at the top are men and are taking decision that are n't in women 's best interests ?
24 ‘ They are over 30 , put performance well down on their list of priorities , and reliability , value for money and mpg at the top .
25 Leave an uncovered gap of about 10mm at the top .
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