Example sentences of "[Wh det] turns out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Three papers published recently in Science move us a little closer to understanding the basis of the disease , which turns out to be highly complex .
2 This can not be said of the colourful house , which turns out to be as likeable as its architect .
3 They are going to a planet celled Malecandra ( which turns out to be Mars ) and , having made a previous recce there , they are under the impression that the inhabitants are fierce and eat men .
4 Nearly crash car again , as I pass what looks from the road like a progressive-minded chemist , but which turns out to be a printer 's shop .
5 King Idomeneus of Crete , caught in a storm at sea on his way home , vows to Neptune that if he is spared he will sacrifice to the gods the first person he meets on landing — which turns out to be , of course , his own son , Idamantes .
6 The enticement to covet is like the attraction of an enchanting perfume , one which turns out to be a delicious , attractive , sweet-tasting poison .
7 The Black Dog — Ken Downie , Ed Handley and Andy Turner — record all their sonic expeditions at the gothic-sounding Black Dog Towers , which turns out to be a terraced house in East London .
8 In the same fashion , if the witch-doctor offers advice which turns out to be wrong , you write him off as a quack and change your doctor .
9 Although the analysis focuses on social class , other variables relating to the housewife 's own education and previous ( or present ) employment are also examined : in some cases it is these factors rather than social class itself which turns out to be important .
10 It finishes just short of the summit with a superb rock pitch that looks hard from below but which turns out to be slabs at a comfortable angle , full of deep cracks .
11 Therefore — except for an occasional mutated child which turns out to be plainly of the wrong metal for its caste — ranks must remain separate .
12 Meriel Oliver , the articulate and lively-minded wife of the Archdeacon of Sherborne , runs the Mother 's Union for the diocese , which turns out to be not a quaint pre- war knitting bee , but a widespread and effective support group for troubled diocesan families .
13 A possible alternative theory is that the committee , the responsible government department and the parliamentary draftsmen all thought that section 15 ( clause 12 ) was needed , which turns out to be a mistaken view when section 1 is properly understood .
14 But this means that , from time to time , the student will pursue hunches which lead nowhere , or adopt a method of analysis which turns out to be unfruitful .
15 He will not be called up , owing to his dicky heart ( which I have never truly believed in until now , but which turns out to be genuine ) .
16 For example that of Joe and Biddy which turns out to be a very happy , contented marriage reflecting around home life and this marriage depriving Pip of the chance to propose to Biddy though I think that she would have refused on the grounds that he was still in love with Estella .
17 I got the impression that chiropractice — which turns out to be spinal manipulation — is n't a money spinner in this part of the world .
18 The upward slope of the function reflects the response of firms to an actual value for p which turns out to be greater or less than they had expected at the end of t - 1 .
19 The equations of motion are used to investigate the sign of σ ( which turns out to be always real ) .
20 Then , after the inquest , nothing more , until I notice a slip of paper projecting from the book much further on , which turns out to be another of Mrs Tamm 's silent helpfulnesses .
21 A parcel from London recently landed on my desk with what turns out to be the best analysis of it , Soviet History in the Gorbachev Revolution by Professor R W Davies of Birmingham University 's Centre for Russian and East European Studies ( Macmillan , hardback £29.50 , paperback £7.99 ) .
22 Your life has just begun and you 're walking across what turns out to be Salisbury Plain .
23 And the idea of this technique is you take er a erm a chamber which is split into two compartments by a teflon partition , shown here , you fill the two compartments with an aqueous solution , okay , and you can then paint across a small hole in this Teflon partition a solution of phospholipids in a solvent , for example endecaine and when these phospholipids are painted across the er solv the er the small hole in the Teflon partition the solvent collects , here I 've magnified it , collects around er the the edges of the hole , and leaves you with a what turns out to be a simple bilayer , a phospholipid bilayer .
24 Ah , erm , but , do you think that , sorry , do you think the appraisal itself , because it 's an annual event , er , some branch managers will get to you with what turns out to be the performance review , and therefore , not doing it during the year , because of the appraisal ?
25 This is an understandable reaction to some of the less interesting programmes of what turns out in practice to be a kind of " library drill " : aimless trots through catalogues and reference books by pupils carrying work-cards or slips of typed paper setting them questions to answer which nobody apart from a desperate teacher-librarian would ever think to ask .
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