Example sentences of "[Wh det] helped [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 These arguments had not at first cut much ice with social democrats , but two further ideological strands came to prominence in this period which helped to put the advocates of social progress through public spending and ‘ welfarism ’ onto the defensive , or even convince them of the folly of their ways : the monetary theory of inflation , and the ‘ too few producers ’ thesis of Bacon and Eltis ( 1976 ) .
2 At various times in the past a ‘ younger generation ’ has vigorously asserted its claims to cultural and political leadership ; a notable recent example , which helped to reawaken the interest of social scientists in the problem of generations , being the youth movements ( especially the student movement ) and ‘ youth culture ’ of the 1960s , which had , for a time at least , and perhaps in a more enduring way , a considerable impact upon cultural and political life in the industrial countries .
3 A number of factors could be identified which helped to explain the apparent resilience of these women .
4 But the economic trends which helped created the baby boom have subsequently ensured that it would have no successors , by drawing married women permanently into the work-force .
5 Only H. W. Taylor was married or over 30 , and Viljoen 's diary suggests a vigorous special existence between Tests — which may have contributed to the welter of dropped catches which helped sway the issue .
6 In January 1923 , France invaded the coalfields of the Ruhr in an attempt to enforce delivery of reparation coal , thereby triggering the hyper-inflation which helped to undermine the Weimar Republic and open the way for Hitler .
7 He was responsible for a major reform of Government administration , including a new public service act , which helped to facilitate the rapid localisation of the civil service .
8 The shortages were partly the result of reduced capacity at two main refineries which helped process the 1,700,000 barrels of crude oil produced per day .
9 There were other more prosaic influences which helped to mould the crucible as well as Green 's life .
10 It was a small room , full of photographs , many in silver frames , which helped to give an Edwardian flavour to the general appearance .
11 This is one of the photographs which helped to form the earliest conceptions of the medium .
12 The period between the end of the twelfth century and the middle of the thirteenth saw several crucial innovations in weaponry and armour which helped make the medieval knight what he was always intended to be : a superb fighting machine .
13 The success was the Metro-Cammell Class 156 , which helped create a new-style hourly Anglia-North West service and transform domestic Scottish and Welsh services .
14 Manchester City were just one of the clubs impressed by his aggressive style a style which helped dump the Frist Division side out of the Rumbelows League Cup and FA Cup at Ayresome Park .
15 A part of the ideology of ‘ muddling through ’ was an acceptance of pragmatism in social policy , even a glorying in it , which helped to sustain a distrust of too much expertise , particularly in a scientific field .
16 No more is it possible to claim that the strict code of social morality and convention which helped to sustain the political system was held in place from outside against the will of most Japanese people .
17 This article inaugurated Rothermere 's massive press campaign which helped to thrust the BUF from comparative obscurity into the limelight .
18 Over several decades he brought a level of energy , commitment and enthusiasm to athletics which helped transform the sport into its modern form .
19 He stopped every now and then to listen to the patient lapping of the water , the light breeze in the leaves , scurries and sounds in the wood which he could not identify but which helped to reinforce the solitude he needed .
20 THE MANAGEMENT team which helped develop the B & Q DIY business is on the acquisition trail again — this time in the gardening business with a ‘ multi-million pound ’ deal to buy Kent Garden Centres , writes Jerry Connolly .
21 The wheelchairs were on show at ARCOS , the Association for Rehabilitation of Communication and Oral Skills , which helped develop the Sapphire .
22 Volkswagen , which helped develop the smaller Eurobag specifically for smaller cars , introduced the Eurobag as optional equipment on the Golf last year and has now made it available on the Passat saloon as well .
23 In a letter to the residents association , the company says : ‘ Following the problem , our inspectors carried out flushing of the water mains , which helped to alleviate the problem .
24 Major conservation organizations such as the World Wide Fund for Nature , which helped finance the Namibian de-horning , are opposed to the move , on the grounds that a legal market will only encourage poaching elsewhere in Africa and Asia .
25 Both Kerr and Weir said Blunt broke vital partnerships towards the end of a session , which helped to bring the pendulum back in New Zealand 's favour .
26 It was work completed in Alaska which helped provide a clue to the nature of the problem at BA-1 , explains head of production technology Lindsay Brown .
27 The preview evening and following three days enabled many people to come and appreciate the variety of gifts and talents which helped to enhance the natural beauty and lines of the Cathedral .
28 And this she did , holding on for support to the iron rail that rimmed the wooden edge of the cart and which helped to keep the rags in place .
29 A feature of the safety approach favoured by the CEGB is the use of microprocessor technology in a bid to side-step the errors by operators which helped cause the Three Mile Island accident in the US four years ago .
30 Ending National Service , which helped to right the economy , was also placing a limit on Britain 's retention of imperial power .
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