Example sentences of "[Wh det] we mean [art] " in BNC.

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1 Now , consider the completely unrestricted model , by which we mean a model in which C t and Y t are regressed on the same variables as in equations ( 3.16 ) and ( 3.14 ) but the coefficients attached to each variable are not restricted in any way : where the π 's are coefficients and the 's are serially uncorrelated random errors .
2 This definition suggests that public law in a broad sense ( not confining ourselves to the law of judicial review ) concerns the activities of governmental bodies , by which we mean the legislature , the departments of central government and the very large number of bodies and agencies which can be described as offshoots of these departments ( these are often called ‘ fringe bodies ’ ) , courts and tribunals , local government , and , perhaps , the police .
3 Suffice it to say that we think that at least one important human right can be described as a right — belonging equally to each human individual — to maximum ‘ positive freedom ’ , by which we mean the ability of people to make effective choices about their lives .
4 The low register of the flute , by which we mean the notes between and including is very rich and beautiful and has been much exploited by composers , especially those of the French school .
5 The form of report with which we are dealing we have termed the ‘ corporate report ’ , by which we mean the comprehensive package of information of all kinds which most completely describes an organization 's economic activity …
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