Example sentences of "[Wh det] suggest that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There are theoretical models which suggest that effective markets depend on legal and institutional factors as well as the operation of the price mechanism .
2 There are some private initiatives which suggest that such people do exist in Italy , such as Signor and Signora Baracco in Naples who have founded Napoli 99 to work for the revival of the town and it monuments .
3 We have cultural stereotypes which suggest that such occasions are difficult for us , potentially embarrassing , because we do not know the appropriate responses .
4 Data is accruing which suggest that molecular biology may be of help in this staging process .
5 Before looking at the relationship between mortality rates and social class over the years , it is worth referring to some evidence which suggest that similar medical care benefits upper-class patients more than their lower-class counterparts .
6 Here we describe geochemical and microbiological studies which suggest that contemporary formation of siderite concretions in a salt-marsh sediment results from the activity of sulphate-reducing bacteria .
7 But the experienced specialist has professional skills and insights which suggest that better results in the longer term could come from challenging some clients on their analysis of the situation .
8 But 28% do feel working mothers regard themselves as superior which suggest that some of us might have got carried away with out own importance .
9 The idea is graphically summarised by Alison Norman : ‘ We are all familiar with the advertisements and Christmas begging letters which ask for money in terms which suggest that old people are in danger of hypothermia or social isolation simply because they are old — not because they do not have sufficient incomes to heat and repair their homes or to pay for a taxi or telephone . ’
10 We have presented data which suggest that three proteins , N-Oct 3 as well as N-Oct 5A and 5B are translated from the same mRNA by alternative translation initiation ; only the largest protein , N-Oct 3 , was able to stimulate transcription from an octamer promoter under our assay conditions .
11 Populist theories of political democracy which suggest that meaningful forms of social organization can emerge from a principle of " one man , one vote " fudge the issue .
12 By getting his colleagues to admit pupils to their lectures after Vial 's death , apparently waiving the customary fee of 10 guineas , he helped the College over a difficult patch , but may unwittingly have set an unfortunate precedent which suggested that preclinical veterinary teaching could be done as well in a medical as in a veterinary context .
13 However , reform subsequently became discredited , partly as a result of research results which suggested that penal measures intended to reform offenders were no more effective in preventing recidivism than were punitive measures .
14 On June 25 they had been prevented from visiting a site at Abu Gharaib , near Baghdad , and on June 27 the UN Security Council ordered Iraq to disclose the whereabouts of nuclear bomb-making equipment after viewing US reconnaissance photographs which suggested that nuclear-related material had been removed from the research site of Tuwaitha to Abu Gharaib .
15 It had published a document which suggested that existing US energy-saving programmes on lighting , motors and air conditioning would probably ensure that US carbon emissions would not be any higher in 2000 than in 1990 [ see report in Global Warming section ] .
16 The programme was devised in response to feedback from the previous term 's courses on assertiveness and time management , which suggested that one day courses did not allow for adequate reflection on the issues , practice or follow up discussion .
17 In the same week as the verdicts in the Guinness trial the Department of Trade and Industry published a report into the Lloyds ' insurance market which suggested that big frauds were almost impossible to prevent :
18 Indeed , the size of the increases , together with the publication of the Kinsey Report in 1948 ( which suggested that homosexual behaviour was more widespread than had been commonly thought ) and the media-highlighted prosecution of Lord Montagu of Beaulieu on an indecency charge in 1954 , culminated in what may reasonably be described as a ‘ moral panic ’ over homosexuality .
19 It was revealed in October 1989 that the Defence Department had rejected an internally commissioned report which suggested that homosexual men and women be allowed to undertake military service .
20 The allegations were denied by the government which suggested that foreign governments and " communists " were behind the violence .
21 As well as being related to the high class Opera House , Colorspin and Bella Colora , Highland Dress won a maiden at Newbury last month in a manner which suggested that further improvement will be forthcoming .
22 These have also been detected growing from a melt which suggests that lamellar growth can take place in the melt and may be a sub-unit of the spherulite .
23 But what are we to make of the evidence which suggests that working class wives rarely knew what their husbands earned , or enjoyed sex , or of the probably greater incidence of violence between spouses ?
24 It is the comparability of these with those from Gloucester and Cirencester which suggests that all might be profitably considered at this level .
25 Laslett in turn has been challenged for ignoring the effects of the life-cycle in altering family size through generations , for by-passing evidence which suggests that other kin lived with the conjugal unit , and for rejecting changing ideologies of the family .
26 The potential pathogenicity of free radicals has been emphasised by recent work which suggests that reactive oxygen metabolities are not just one of a number of mediators and cytokines involved in the inflammatory process in inflammatory bowel disease but may have a pivotal role by initiating the expression of genes controlling may other aspects of the inflammatory , immune , and acute phase response , by activation of the transcription factor NF-kΒ .
27 Intracellular Ca 2 + concentration increased to 248 ( 30 ) nM ( range : 166–301 nM ) after the addition of 6.7 µM 4-bromo-A23187 , which suggests that 6.7 µM A23187 stimulated K + channel activity in cell attached patches ( see Fig 7 ) by increasing [ Ca 2 + ] i to similar values .
28 He reports experimental evidence which suggests that adolescent middle-class Jamaicans can distinguish " Jamaican English " from " Jamaican Creole " , and shows that code switching between these two can be identified not only in contemporary speech , but also in the speech of characters in literary texts .
29 Finally , there is a growing body of evidence which suggests that regular attendance at church and annual participation at communion were actually increasing in the late Elizabethan and Jacobean periods .
30 Unfortunately , this latter conclusion tends to be at odds with more conventional data which suggests that real markets often do not converge to what appear to be their equilibrium values ; an obvious example is the labour market .
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