Example sentences of "[Wh det] [pers pn] shall be " in BNC.

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1 The input/central distinction is something on which I shall be heavily reliant when I come to my positive thesis .
2 Furthermore , the work of Young and his colleagues , which I shall be discussing later in the chapter , shows that being aware of the operations of , say , one 's face processing system has vitally important functional consequences .
3 The broad sense in which I shall be using homophobia is loosely descriptive of a manifest phenomenon : the hatred , fear , and persecution of , the raging at , homosexuality and homosexuals .
4 It is this issue , the interplay of ideas about gender and gender roles with the creation of discord or harmony in community relationships , about which I shall be concerned below .
5 Even the weaker version — that the theories simply implied a relationship between low social class and crime — came later to be dismissed as an artefact of class-biased law enforcement ( however , the argument about the relationship between social class and crime is a complex one to which I shall be returning in Part Two ) .
6 This is a point to which I shall be returning .
7 But these must wait , because they are no longer in Basse-Navarre but in the third Basque province of the Soule , to which I shall be coming in a moment .
8 It certainly is sir the last day on which I shall be appearing at either of these enquiries .
9 The aspect of lunar origin with which I shall be primarily concerned here is how the Earth came to get its Moon .
10 There is just one other matter on which I shall be grateful for information .
11 ‘ In the prevailing economic climate , dominated by low dollar oil prices , the task is not easy and demands a high level of cost consciousness which I shall be promoting throughout the group . ’
12 That is agreed by the professions , with which I shall be having further discussion shortly .
13 The second aspect of natural concepts with which I shall be concerned is their conjunctive nature .
14 Secondly , there 's an item in the management team tele-conference minute which are due to be confirmed today , the which I shall be querying about work in the office , out of office hours .
15 This is another in our series from the university , in which I shall be discovering from people in the wider community what they know about us and what the points of contact are between the university and them .
16 It was the case in Smolensk , and the position was very similar in Poltava , the guberniia to the southwest which we shall be visiting shortly .
17 A goalkeeper does not ‘ perform ’ his function in its theatrical sense , only in the sociological usage of ‘ perform ’ which we shall be looking at further in the next chapter .
18 For instance , Dorothy Heathcote , in working on the Minamata tragedy towards performance , required the sixth form ‘ actors ’ to remain emotionally detached from their roles , an example of ‘ protection ’ from personal exposure to which we shall be returning later .
19 Simply to like or dislike , be attracted or repelled , feel pleasure or pain , involves a quickening or a shrinking from awareness , a point which we shall be looking at more closely in the chapter Awareness and pleasure .
20 For the Christian this will mean entering into a dialogue with God 's word as it touches on issues requiring change , which we shall be investigating later .
21 There are several systemics to choose from , but advisedly you should go for one that is compatible with systemic fungicides which you will no doubt need to apply and which we shall be discussing shortly .
22 The argument from analogy with which we shall be concerned here admits that it is possible that the objects we call persons are , other than ourselves , mindless automata , but claims that we none the less have sufficient reason for supposing this not to be the case .
23 We are moving towards a position in which we shall be able to examine the structure of discourse both in terms of surface relations of form , and underlying relations of functions and acts .
24 In which we shall be looking at , er another famous figure , but , but , er an even more remote and one , some people might say , mytho mythological one , namely Moses .
25 ‘ The budget which we shall be presenting to council tomorrow will show a relatively small number of cuts but it will be right across the council so no particular group of employees will suffer , ’ said Mr Carr .
26 Next week we 're going to start a new twelve part series on opportunities in education , in which we shall be looking at various aspects of schools today .
27 This is the first of a short series of programmes in which we shall be taking a look at some of these unfortunate happenings , and asking questions such as , ‘ To what extent can they predicted ? ’ and ‘ How can they best be coped with ? ’
28 index or database and indicates the form in which they shall be shown ; it thus acts as an authority list for index terms and their form ;
29 The Executive Committee of this party may tender such advice as it deems necessary to the General Committee on the nominations found to be valid , and may suggest to the General Committee the manner in which they shall be dealt with provided that all valid nominations shall be placed before that body for its consideration at an ordinary meeting .
30 In terms of the law , the Secretary of State is empowered to lay down all aspects of the curriculum , except for the time devoted to each subject and the style in which it shall be taught .
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