Example sentences of "[am/are] sit at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Subsequently the student 's study is devoted to Chemistry , on which written examinations are sat at the end of the third year .
2 ‘ WHEN YOU do comedy you 're not sitting at the grown-ups ’ table , you 're sitting at the children 's table . ’
3 ( They 're sitting at the corner of a teashop table , say . )
4 Tonight I 'm sitting at the same table
5 I 'm sitting at the back
6 I expect Hamish will be writing again pretty soon again too , but here I am sitting at the computer anyway , putting off writing a series of begging letters to friends and connections in various educational and other institutions and organizations asking them to submit to Chambers Harrap ( as we now are ) all partable-with unpublished bumf ( memos , minutes , notices , reports , etc , etc ) to swell the ‘ ephemera ’ ( new stretched meaning ) content of the British National Corpus of English .
7 We get £28 a week whether we are sitting at a machine all day or operating heavy presses .
8 Kitchens Of Distinction are currently seated in Katz 's famous delicatessen in New York and , before them , taped proudly to a napkin dispenser , is an understated , handwritten sign that says : FOR YOUR INFORMATION , YOU ARE SITTING AT THE WHEN HARRY MET SALLY TABLE .
9 And now , on a clear morning , Graham Little and I are sitting at the bottom of the wall , fit and ready to go , and the wall is plastered with verglas .
10 And that would be , that would be , so if we 're doing it this way , right , let's let's erm , forget about where we are sitting at the moment now , and just look we 're in a helicopter looking at these ships now , so this one radios you in the helicopter and says , that ship S is on a bearing of forty five degrees
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