Example sentences of "[am/are] meet [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The lead managers of all Heron 's bonds are to meet at the offices of Credit Suisse in Zurich on Monday to plan a concerted response after hearing outline proposals from the company in London last Friday .
2 The Galileo group of end users and system integrators pushing for a common graphical front-end on different types of computers are to meet during the Uniforum show in San Francisco next month : a couple of the Baby Bells and Mitre Corp are said to be latest converts to the cause ( UX Nos 415 , 423 ) .
3 When I try to use the shared bathroom I am met by the teenage mother — the one with two kids .
4 DAVID ANDERSON , chairman of Australian Mutual Provident , Australia 's biggest life insurer , and Einion Holland , chairman of Pearl Group , the British life insurance company , are meeting over the next few days amid speculation that the Australian group is poised to mount a takeover bid for Pearl worth at least £1bn .
5 Establishing rapport is the process of getting on the right wavelength with someone — usually , but not inevitably , with someone you are meeting for the first time .
6 and Q acted upon by unc and unc are essentially the same , we are meeting for the first time a concept of prime importance in algebra , namely that of isomorphism .
7 Half seven the Hare and Hounds at Warsop and District Camera Club they 're meeting at the Hare and Hounds pub in Warsop and tonight they have a competition Slides in Action and seven thirty Slimmers Clubs U K are meeting at the Age Concern Centre Street in Beeston and seven thirty as well until eight thirty a mixed ability aerobics class is on in the gymnasium of Rainworth Recreation Centre that 's one fifty there and Joe Walker Zydeco Band direct from Louisiana are appearing at the Old Vic on Fletchergate at Nottingham tonight at half seven six pounds the tickets there four pounds concessions and they 're available on the door .
8 She says , over 500 people are meeting at the European Parliament in Brussels today , to talk about disabled people 's human rights .
9 She says , over 500 people are meeting at the European Parliament in Brussels today , to talk about disabled people 's human rights .
10 One fifteen till three fifteen the Blidworth Wow Group are meeting in the Blidworth Social and Welfare Centre to learn more about screen printing .
11 In all these cases the court has been concerned to ensure that these fundamental requirements are met in the way in which , particularly in the case of the county courts , they are intended to be and should be met .
12 Before midday we arrive at the first village and are met by the Mukhtar , Hadji Hanna .
13 Second , you are looking for a candidate who will find that his or her own requirements are met by the conditions of the job and the organization ( whether it be a large company or a one-to-one working relationship ) .
14 The fully robed civic dignitaries walk in procession , led by the sergeant-at-mace , from the town hall in the market square to the cathedral , where they are met by the dean .
15 If the above criteria are met by the applicant , and any objections or representations prove ill-founded , an O licence is granted on such terms as the LA thinks fit .
16 Both libraries operate a system of postal loans , provided postal charges are met by the borrower .
17 In August it was remarked in the Commons that , ‘ Wherever you go now in every constituency you are met by the aged people and their organizations . ’
18 About a third of these costs are met by the Church Commissioners , who generated investment income of £140.8 million in 1989 .
19 The individual officer is rarely held personally liable for his or her actions : damages are paid by the city , while legal costs are met by the union .
20 The capital expenditure and running costs of controlled schools are met by the Education and Library Boards from funds provided by the DENI .
21 Capital expenditure on these schools is partly met ( up to 85% ) by the DENI ; running costs are met by the Education and Library Boards .
22 Likewise , ‘ employment ’ in the sense of earning money may have little relevance in a peasant society where people 's needs are met by the labour of their own hands .
23 Although all the UK 's gas needs are met from the North Sea , since 1977 an increasing proportion has been supplied from the Norwegian , rather than the UK , sector .
24 All the costs of organisation are met from the entry fee of £5 per team , so all the money raised goes to charity .
25 I know that we 're meeting with the company next week , but whether or not anything 's come forward on that and also erm in reference to the pensions section , erm , just correct your deliberate mistake and part timers ca n't enter the Securicor Pension Scheme .
26 Something which is important to say is that the first time you have a contact with somebody and you do a piece , you 're , you 're meeting for the first time , it 's slightly awkward and you 're getting to know each other slightly , the second time you do it easier , it 's easier , and if you establish relationships with the local press , local radio and so forth , it gets easier and easier all the time , because by the time you get to know people , it 's not sort of ‘ Can I speak to somebody who does a programme about the morning whatever it is ?
27 Half seven the Hare and Hounds at Warsop and District Camera Club they 're meeting at the Hare and Hounds pub in Warsop and tonight they have a competition Slides in Action and seven thirty Slimmers Clubs U K are meeting at the Age Concern Centre Street in Beeston and seven thirty as well until eight thirty a mixed ability aerobics class is on in the gymnasium of Rainworth Recreation Centre that 's one fifty there and Joe Walker Zydeco Band direct from Louisiana are appearing at the Old Vic on Fletchergate at Nottingham tonight at half seven six pounds the tickets there four pounds concessions and they 're available on the door .
28 So we 're meeting behind the
29 The public consultation exercise that was part of that erm Greater York study , and quite clearly the Greater York study was not a statutory plan , it was an informal plan , but it was the only way really that progress could be made in the absence erm of adopted local plans in Greater York , it was essential that that document was pursued to give a framework for the preparation of district local plans er and the greenbelt local plan , and the resolution that followed the consultation and the long body of work , and I 'll read it out , was that the development strategy for Greater York from ninety six to two thousand and six should be based on agreed sites within and on the periphery of the built up area , and that the residual requirement be met for the development of a new settlement or settlements located beyond the outer boundary erm of the greenbelt , a quite clearly there 's a major policy implication there that a new settlement was not acceptable within the greenbelt but would have to be er outside the outer boundary of the greenbelt , and the public consultation on that er study er attracted widespread support for a new settlement strategy in Greater York , all six authorities agreed that that was the direction er that had to be taken , it also had another benefit in that it enabled work on the York greenbelt local plan erm to proceed and that has now been taken forward to the stage where the enquiry terminated in May , it 's a joint enquiry in the greenbelt local plan enquiry , with a Southern Ryedale local plan enquiry in April ninety three , and we would hope that the inspectors report on that six month enquiry , when he considered all the objections to the er greenbelt proposals of the County Council , largely supported by the er District Council will be available er in the near future .
30 attendance allowances for members , I would move that er , a scheme be commenced from the first of April ninety-four , and that the wording attached to the paper , be altered in two respects , in place of the phrase is a person over sixty-nine years of age , the words is an elderly person , and more significantly at the end of paragraph four , and normally lives with a member as part of the member 's family and be able to be left at th , be unable to be left unsupervised , be added , And that er , power to delegate a director of financial to amend the rates of allowances from time to time rates of attendance allowance for members , and that the scheme be met from the overall member 's allowance to which we recently referring .
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